MSP Link Mappings

The mapping process is used to designate which MSP fields are assigned to each of the MPM fields displayed in the MSP Link Mappings dialog box.

When the interface pulls data from MSP into MPM, all data in the MSP field is transferred to the assigned MPM field.

For example, if you need to pull in scheduled dates, you might map (assign) MSPWBS field to the MPM WBS ID field. When you use the interface, all data residing in MSP's WBS field for the tasks you specify would display in MPMWBS ID field.

The mapping definitions that you create can be saved to be used as default mappings for future imports as well as for generating files and validation.

The MSP Link Mappings dialog box is accessed from the Mapping File Name line of the Interface window. You can create a new mappings definition or open a previously saved mappings definition.

Related Topics

Creating a New Mappings Definition

Opening a Saved Mappings Definition

Editing a Saved Mappings Definition

Mappings Field Descriptions