Batch Processing (MSP Link)

Many MPM users perform the same set of interfaces every month as part of their monthly status processing. To set up a batch session which performs several processes, you will need to create several interfaces.

To set up a Batch Interface, complete the following steps:

  1. Using your mouse, click anywhere in the left pane of the Interface window to make that area active.

  2. Select Edit » Add Interface, or right mouse click in the left pane and select Add Interface. The Add Interface dialog displays.

  3. Select MSP Link and click on OK. A new MSP Link Interface is added to the left pane of the Interface window.

  4. Select conditioning and mapping options for this new Interface.

  5. Repeat steps 1 through 4 to add additional interfaces.

  6. Click on the run_button.jpgrunning man or select Tools » Run Interface to start the Batch process.

The MSP Link begins with the first interface listed. If any invalid criteria are found during the Initial Information check (see Generate File and Validate, Generate File for further information), the error messages are displayed in the Output Format that is indicated in the conditioning options, and the entire batch process is discontinued.

If errors are found during the data validation process, the errors will be written to the validation report and the process will continue.

The Batch processing will always run through the entire list of Interfaces, starting with the top interface.

Saving an MSP Link Interface

To save a new interface, complete the following steps:

  1. Click File » Save to save your new interface. A Save Conditioning File dialog displays.

MPM prompts for the location and file name to be saved. The default location is a directory called INTERFACES located under the WINMPM directory. Saved interfaces are given the name interface.MFN.

Once you have saved an interface in the INTERFACES folder, MPM adds a Saved Interfaces tab to the Menu Manager, where all saved interfaces can be accessed later.

  1. Click the Save button to save your new interface.

  2. In order to see your saved interface on the Saved Interfaces tab, click F5 (Refresh) or close and reopen MPM.

You will not be able to see your new interface on the Saved Interfaces tab if it has been saved to any folder other than the INTERFACES folder.

Editing an MSP Link Interface

To edit criteria in an interface, complete the following steps:

  1. Click on the MSP link that you want to edit.

  2. Edit the criteria and mapping data as needed.

  3. Click File » Save (Ctrl + S) to save the new settings.

Deleting an MSP Link Interface

To delete an interface from the left pane of the Interface Window, complete the following steps:

  1. Click on the MSP link that you want to delete.

  2. Click Edit » Delete Interface, press your Delete key, or right mouse click and select Delete Interface.

Related Topics

Generate File and Validate, Generate File


Initial Information Check