Use this screen to approve sales orders so that processing can continue through issue and shipping transaction entry, invoicing, and posting to the Sales Order Journal. Only those orders that require your approval display on this screen.

The system user must be assigned to an approval title on the Manage Sales Order Approval Titles screen. You can assign multiple users to one approval title and each user can perform the order approval process, if the minimum and maximum order dollar limits are met. You will then assign the approval titles to one or several approval process codes on the Manage Sales Order Approval Processes screen. Because you can link multiple titles to one approval process, a sales order can be approved by multiple users before the status changes to Approved.

You can use this screen to reject a sales order, which suspends the approval process for that order. You can modify the order, if necessary, and resubmit it for approval.

Use this screen whenever a sales order approval process is selected on the Configure Sales Order Entry Settings screen.




This field displays the manually specified or system generated sales order number.


This field displays the sales order release number

Approval Title

This field displays the approval title used in the approval process through which this sales order goes.

Approval Status

Use the options in this group box to select the status for the sales order.


Select this option if approval is pending for a sales order. Issues, shipping transactions, and invoices cannot be processed.


Select this option if the sales order has been approved for the applicable approval title. Additional transactions can be processed after all required approval titles have been recorded.


Select this option to modify a rejected requisition and resubmit it to the approval process.

SO Approval Notes

Enter up to 254 characters of optional, free-form text related to this order's approval or rejection action.


This field displays the only available header type code, Sales Order. Other codes will display when options such as change orders, blanket orders, and release orders are added in a future version of Costpoint.

Order Date

This field displays the order date assigned to sales order

Approval Process

This field displays the approval process code assigned to the sales order

Trans Currency

This field displays the transaction currency for the sales order entry.

Approval Action Date

This field displays the recorded date on which the approval status modified for the applicable approval title. The system date will be the default, but can be overridden.

Rejection Reason

If you selected the Rejected option in the Approval Status group box, enter, or click to select, a valid rejection reason. You must have already established the rejection reason codes on the Manage Sales Order Rejection Reasons screen.

Approval Seq No

This field displays the sequence number assigned to the approval title within the approval process. This number determines the order in which approval titles access a sales order for approval/rejection in an approval process.


Enter, or click to select, a valid employee ID to associate with the entered approval action. The employee name displays in the adjacent field.


This field displays the Customer ID. The customer name displays in the field to the right.

Table Window

This table displays data entered on the Manage Sales Orders screen, which is either pending approval, approved, or rejected. If you use Multicurrency, the prefix "Trans Currency" displays in line amount column headers of this table window, and the line information displays from the Manage Sales Orders screen. Each line item amount is specified in the SO transaction currency value.


This field displays the system identifier of a line on the sales order. Costpoint assigns this sequential number to track the line items of the sales order. Costpoint supports an unlimited number of lines on a sales order.


This field displays the valid Contract Line Item Number (CLIN). You must have already established the CLIN on the Manage CLIN Information screen in Project Setup. You can access the CLIN column only when the sales order has a valid pricing project.

Line Type

This field displays the line type assigned in the Manage Sales Order table window. There are six system-defined sales order line types:

In the Manage Sales Order screen, you can enter a different line type on each sales order line. The line type you choose affects which sales order transactions are required for processing the order and how the related sales order journal entries are posted.

Misc Ln Chg Type

This field displays a valid miscellaneous line charge type. You must have already established the type in the Sales Order Line Charge Type table.

SO Line Status

Costpoint maintains a sales order line status, which functions differently from the sales order header status. The valid system defined line statuses are O (Open), C (Closed), and S (System Closed).

The sales order line status is initially set to O (Open). Once all line item order quantities have been completely invoiced and the invoices have been posted to the general ledger through the Sales Order Journal, the line status changes to S (System Closed). You can modify sales order lines with O (Open) and C (Closed) statuses on the Manage Sales Orders Supervisor Screen, but you cannot modify S (System Closed) sales order lines. When all line items on an order changes to S (System Closed), the header status of the sales order changes to S (System Closed) as well.

You can modify the line order quantity to match the posted quantity. The line status changes to S (System Closed) accordingly. Likewise, if you modify the line order quantity so that it is greater than the posted quantity, the line status changes to O (Open).

If you must close an order short, which prevents open order quantities from being processed (issued, shipped, or invoiced), you should change the line status to C (Closed). This preserves the integrity of the original order quantity and prevents new transactions from being applied to the order.


This field displays the item from the line.

Item Rev

This field displays the latest item revision. You can modify the data in this field to an earlier revision number if part revisions are being used.


This field displays the description of the item.

Part Security

This field is visible only if the Use Part Data Security Controls check box is selected on the Configure Product Definition Settings screen, which indicates that the item is subject to data security restrictions, as defined in the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) or the Export Administration Regulations (EAR).

If enabled, this field displays one of the following values to indicate whether the item you are accessing is subject to part data security restrictions and whether you have the necessary authorization to access information for that item:

If you are unauthorized to access parts or revisions that are subject to data security restrictions, then you will not be able to create or edit SO lines for that restricted part/revision. In addition, you will not be able to view Line Documents, Substitute Parts, and Manufacturer/Vendor part information for those restricted items.

The features in this release relating to Part Data Security are intended to assist your company in achieving ITAR compliance. However, it is each company’s responsibility to confirm that it is meeting its obligations with respect to ITAR or other applicable requirements. Deltek does not warrant that use of this functionality will result in compliance.


This field displays the National Stock Number (NSN) of the item set up on the Manage Parts screen in Product Definition.

Item Type

When you enter the item revision, Costpoint updates this non-editable field based on the pre-defined type of the item being sold on the Manage Item Billings screen in Product Definition. The system-defined types are as follows:


The initial default for this field is provided by the Manage Item Billings.

Quantity Ordered

This field displays the sales order quantity for the line item. You need to enter a value in this field for all line types except the MSC (Miscellaneous) type. Fractional quantities are supported and the maximum quantity is 99,999,999.9999. You cannot enter negative order quantities.


This check box indicates whether sales tax/value added tax (VAT) applies to the sales order line. The default for this column loads from the ship ID.

Quantity Issued

This field displays the sales order issued quantity for the line item.

Customer Item Number

This field displays the customer item or model number.

Quantity Shipped

This field displays the sales order shipped quantity for the line item.

Sub Parts

This check box indicates whether the customer accepts substitutions on this sales order line. Costpoint displays a default from the Header Info tab of the Manage Sales Orders screen. When you enter an issue transaction, Costpoint verifies this flag and the value of the hard edit option on the Configure Sales Order Defaults screen, before issuing a substitute item. Depending on the hard edit option selection, either a warning or error message displays on the Manage Sales Order Inventory Issues screen when a substitute part is used.

Quantity Invoiced

This field displays the sales order invoice quantity for the line item. Invoices generated by Costpoint provide a default invoice quantity equal to the difference between the quantity issued and the previous quantity invoiced. You must enter the invoice quantity on INV (Inventory), INT (In Transit), and DRP (Dropshipment) line items that are invoiced.

Process Components

This field indicates whether components are maintained for the sales order line. The value defaults to Yes if the you select the Component Processing check box for the item on the Manage Item Billings screen; otherwise, this field defaults to No.


This field displays the valid unit of measure for the item. The selling unit of measure established for the item on the Manage Parts, Manage Services, or Manage Goods screens in Product Definition displays as the default value, and can be modified. The unit of measure code must exist on the Units of Measure table.

Issue Components

This field indicates whether issues to the sales order line are done at the component level or the line level. This field defaults to No when the Process Components field displays No. This column defaults to Yes if you select the Issue Components check box for the item on the Manage Item Billings screen. This field defaults to Yes when the SO line type is INO (Invoice Only) and the Process Components field is set to Yes.


This field displays the bill of material configuration ID. Costpoint uses this only when exploding Bills of Material (BOM) requirements for a part SO line. You can use the configuration ID to specify a unique bill of material for the specified part.

Gross Unit Price

The gross unit price initially loads from the unit price schedule on the Project Unit Pricing subtask of the Manage CLIN Information screen in Project Setup; or on the Manage Product Price Catalogs screen in Product Definition, depending on the pricing method selected for the order. Costpoint uses the order quantity to search the corresponding price schedule for quantity price breaks and price effective dates so that it can determine the correct gross unit price for the item. The gross unit price of the item also includes the incremental extended price amount for any component on the Components subtask.

If you use Multicurrency, the column header contains the prefix "Trans Currency". Each line item amount is specified in that transaction currency.

You can modify the gross unit price if you selected the Override Product Sales File Price check box on the Manage Sales Order Project Defaults or Manage Sales Order Catalog Defaults screen.

Costpoint supports a maximum gross unit price of 99,999,999.9999. You cannot enter negative unit costs.

Base Ext. Line Price

This field displays the initial price that is unmodified by the component recalculation process.

Ship ID

This field displays the ship ID that represents where the item is to be delivered. The ship ID entered on the Addresses subtask defaults to each sales order line. You can set up a default ship ID for each customer; the default ship ID loads to the Addresses subtask for each of the customer's orders. You need to enter a ship ID for INV and INT line types.

Volume Discount

This field displays the volume discount percentage to be applied to the gross unit price of the item. The Header Info tab of the Manage Sales Orders screen provides a default value for this field but it can be modified. Enter a 5.25% discount as 5.25. The discount percentage is intended as a volume discount, rather than a cash or payment discount. If you leave this field blank, Costpoint derives the value from the gross unit price and net unit price.

Net Unit Price

This field displays the price of one unit of the item after any volume discounts have been applied. Costpoint derives the net unit price from the gross unit price and applicable volume discount percentage, if they have been entered. If you use Multicurrency, the column header contains the prefix "Trans Currency". Each line item amount is specified in that transaction currency.

Ext Price Amount

This field displays the extended price amount. Costpoint computes this amount as the product of net unit price and quantity ordered. You must enter the extended price amount if there is no quantity ordered value. If you use Multicurrency, the column header contains prefix "Trans Currency". Each line item amount is specified in that transaction currency.

Line Charge Price Amount

This field displays the cumulative price of the line charges entered on the Line Charges subtask of the Manage Sales Orders screen. You can modify it (or add additional, miscellaneous charges) only on that subtask. If you use Multicurrency, the column header contains the prefix "Trans Currency". Each line item amount is specified in that transaction currency.

Sales Tax/VAT Code

This field displays a valid sales tax/VAT code. Set up sales tax/VAT codes on the Manage Sales or Value Added Taxes screen in System Administration. Costpoint loads the default sales tax/VAT code from the ship ID code. You need to enter a sales tax code for all taxable line items.

Sales Tax/VAT Rate

This field displays the tax rate associated with the selected sales tax/VAT code.

Quote No

This field displays  the applicable quote number for the line item.

Desired Date

This field displays the customer's desired date of delivery. This field defaults the desired date entered on the Header Info tab of the Manage Sales Orders screen.

Sales Tax/VAT Amount

This field displays the sales tax/VAT amount calculated by Costpoint when the Taxable column is selected. Costpoint calculates this amount as the product of extended price amount and sales tax/VAT rate. If you use Multicurrency, the column header contains the prefix "Trans Currency". Each line item amount will be specified in that transaction currency.

Due Date

This field displays the due date for customer delivery. The date loads to the line items on the sales order and can be modified. You need to enter a due date for all line items except REC (Recurring) lines.

Line Charge Sales Tax/VAT Amount

Enter miscellaneous charges for a line item and applicable sales tax amounts on the Line Charges subtask of the Manage Sales Orders screen. The cumulative sales tax amount for the line charges entered on the Line Charges subtask of the Manage Sales Orders screen displays and you can modify it only in that subtask. If you use Multicurrency, the column header contains prefix "Trans Currency". Each line item amount will be specified in that transaction currency.

Original Due Date

This field displays the default for the original due date, which is entered on the header portion of the Manage Sales Orders screen.

Total Line Amount

This field displays the total line amount. Costpoint calculates this amount as the sum of extended price amount, line charge price amount plus tax, and line charge sales Tax/VAT amount. If you use Multicurrency, the column header contains the prefix "Trans Currency". Each line item amount will be specified in that transaction currency.

Ship By Date

This field displays the ship-by date for the line item. The ship-by date is required for INV (Inventory) line types. You need to enter a ship-by dates for all line types except for INV (Inventory).

Starting Date

This field displays the recurring starting date from the sales order line on the Manage Sales Order screen.

Ending Date

This field displays the recurring ending date from the sales order line on the Manage Sales Order screen.

Billing Cycle

This field displays the billing cycle from the sales order line on the Manage Sales Orders screen.

Installment Bill

This field displays the installment bill from the sales order line on the Manage Sales Orders screen.


This field displays the defer status from the sales order line on the Manage Sales Orders screen.


This field displays the warehouse ID. You need to enter a warehouse from which the items will be issued for INV (Inventory) line types. You can set up a preferred or default warehouse on the Manage Part Project Data screen in Product Definition. The default warehouse also displays in the Identification group box on the Manage Sales Order Inventory Issues screen when you enter the issue transaction. Costpoint uses the warehouse ship-to address for any requisitions generated for inventory lines for this sales order. You need to enter a warehouse for all INV (Inventory) line types.

Incremental Billing

This field displays the incremental billing status from the sales order line on the Manage Sales Orders screen.

Ship Via

This field displays the customer's preferred method of shipment. The default value on this field loads from the Customer table to the Shipping tab on the Manage Sales Order screen.

Sales Group Abbrev

This field displays the sales group abbreviation from the sales order line. This is a required field for all sales order lines on the Manage Sales Orders screen.

Project To Charge

This field displays the project to charge for the customer ID.

Deliver To

This field displays the department or the name of the individual that receives the shipment of the material. The deliver-to value loads from the Shipping tab of the Manage Sales Orders screen.

Inv Abbrev

This field displays a valid inventory abbreviation. The default for the line loads from the Billing tab of the Manage Sales Order screen. If you enter a CLIN on the sales order line, the default inventory abbreviation set up on the Project Unit Pricing subtask of the Manage CLIN Information screen. You need to enter an inventory abbreviation for all INV (Inventory) line types.


This field displays an internal requisition number used to create a purchase order for the item on the sales order line.

Purchase requisitions can be generated from approved sales orders. The Create Purchase Requisitions from Sales Orders screen process populates this field during the creation function.

Mfg Order

This field displays an internal manufacturing order number for the item, if applicable.

Over Ship

This field displays Y (Yes) or N (No) to indicate whether the customer accepts overshipments on this sales order. The default value for this field loads from the Shipping tab of the Manage Sales Orders screen.

Ship Tol

If Y (Yes) displays in the Over Ship field, Costpoint uses the shipping tolerance percentage to determine the excess quantity that can be issued and shipped to the customer. You need to enter a shipping tolerance percentage when the Over Ship field is Y.


This field displays the inventory reservation number for the items being sold. Costpoint creates reservations for all inventory line type items when the sales order status becomes Approved. If you leave this field blank for inventory line items, Costpoint creates a reservation number for the line items after a sales order is approved.

Source Insp Reqd

This field displays Y (Yes) or N (No) to indicate whether the customer inspects the item before shipment. You can establish the default value for this field on either the Manage Sales Order Catalog Defaults screen or the Project Unit Pricing subtask of Manage CLIN Information screen. The selected pricing project or catalog then provides the corresponding default, which can be modified.

Cert Conf Reqd

This field displays Y (Yes) or N (No) to indicate whether the customer requires a certificate of conformance for this item. Establish the default value for this field either the Manage Sales Order Catalog Defaults screen or the Project Unit Pricing subtask of Manage CLIN Information screen. The selected pricing project or catalog then provides the corresponding default, which can be modified.

Req Gen

This field displays Y (Yes) or N (No) to indicate whether a purchase requisition has been generated for this sales order line by the Create Requisitions from Sales Orders process. Costpoint updates this field.

After you have entered all sales order data and saved the order, and processed the sales order for approval, you can make no further modifications from this screen unless the sales order is rejected.

Last Bill Date

For recurring REC (Recurring) line types only,

This field displays the last bill date for the items that are REC (Recurring) types. Costpoint updates the last bill date when you run the Create Invoices process, or when you manually apply invoices to the recurring sales order lines.

PO Ship ID

This field displays the purchase order ship ID, if applicable, for purchase requisitions that are associated with this sales order line. For INV (Inventory) or INT (In Transit) SO line types, the ship ID for the warehouse defaults in this field. For DRP (Dropshipment)SO line types, the default value in this field loads from the ship ID for the SO line.

Baseline Unit Price

This field displays the baseline unit selling price for the item. Costpoint uses this amount to recalculate the gross unit price for components. This value is the initial price that is unmodified by the component recalculation process (if applicable) on the Components subtask of the Manage Sales Orders screen.

Amortization Schedule Code

This field displays the amortization schedule code for the SO line. Establish amortization codes on the Manage Deferred Revenue Amortization Schedules screen. This field displays only when the SO uses deferred revenue recognition method.

Number of Users

For software sales only, this field displays the number of users who are licensed for the software.

Platform Type

For software sales only, this field displays the platform type in which the software runs.

License Type

For software sales only, this field displays the type of license that is used or required for the software.


For software sales only, this field displays the version or release of the software.


For software sales only, this field displays the percentage commission (for example, sales commission) for the SO line item.

SO Line Notes

This field displays the long selling description for the item on the Manage Item Billings screen.

Consume Forecast

Select this check box  to have the sales order line quantity decrement the open sales forecast quantity for the linked MPS part, inventory abbreviation, and warehouse. You can modify this field if you have licensed the Master Production Scheduling module and have selected the Allow Change of Consume Forecast Flag on SO Line check box on the Configure Master Production Scheduling Settings screen.

Consuming forecasts with sales orders prevents the double-counting of demand by MPS and MRP; this helps ensure that you do not build or buy more than what is required. See the Forecast Consumption topic for examples of how forecasts are consumed.

If you load forecast rows and marks all of them as deleted, the save process will not auto-consume forecast quantities.

If you saved a sales order without opening the Consume Forecast subtask, the system automatically loads and consumes available forecasts.




Approval Process

Click this link to open the Approval Process subtask.

Header Standard Text

Click this link to open the Header Standard Text subtask.


Click this link to open the Totals subtask.

Exchange Rates

Click this link to open the Exchange Rates subtask. If you do not use Multicurrency, Costpoint disables this subtask.

SO Details

Click this link to open the SO Details subtask.

UDF Info

Click this link to open the User-Defined Info subtask.

SO Header Documents

Click this link to open the SO Header Documents subtask.


Click this link to open the Accounts subtask.


Click this link to open the Components subtask.

Line Charges

Click this link to open the Line Charges subtask.

Line Standard Text

Click this link to open the Line Standard Text subtask.

Currency Line Information

Click this link to open the Currency Line Info subtask.

Customs Information

Click this link to open the Customs Information subtask.

Line Documents

Click this link to open the SO Line Documents subtask.

Consume Forecasts

Click this link to open the Consume Forecasts subtask.

Proj Sub Parts

Click this link to open the Proj Sub Parts subtask.