Use this subtask to establish and maintain the hierarchical relationship of parts in an engineering design environment. You can then copy the Engineering BOM (EBOM) to a Manufacturing BOM (MBOM) using the Copy Bills of Material screen to plan and control material operations. Conversely, you can copy an existing MBOM to an EBOM in order to make revisions in the design/engineering stage before releasing it back to manufacturing. You can access this subtask only if you selected the Use Engineering Bills of Material check box on the Configure Bills of Material Settings screen. Please refer to the documentation for the Copy Bills of Material screen for additional information on this function.

The settings and default values on the Configure Bills of Material Settings screen affect how you can maintain and release EBOMs in this subtask.

Use this subtask to create, maintain, and release EBOMs before implementing Production Control and Material Requirements Planning.

Assembly Details

Use the fields in this group box to enter basic information about the assembly, including EBOM status and part status.


This field displays the Make or Buy status of the assembly.


This field displays the unit of measure for the assembly.


This field displays Y (Yes) if the assembly part is active or N (No) if not.


Enter, or click to select, the Commercial and Government Entity code (CAGE ID) for the assembly part in this optional field. CAGE IDs are assigned to manufacturers on the Manage Manufacturers screen.

EBOM Exists

This field displays Y (Yes) if the component is a subassembly or N (No) if not. If this field is Y and you click to search for the component part ID, you can locate the component part as it displays in a separate EBOM assembly.

Part Type

This field displays the type assigned to the assembly part. Valid assembly part type values are:

Part Status

Use this drop-down list to select the status to assign to the assembly part (if it is a non-provisional part). Valid part status values are:

The selection in this field is linked to the part's status.

EBOM Status

Use this drop-down list to select the status of the EBOM. This status controls use of the EBOM in material planning. The options in this drop-down list are Released and Unreleased. If you selected the Use Separate EBOM Release Function check box on the Configure Bills of Material Settings screen, this field defaults to Unreleased and can be modified only on the Release Engineering Bills of Material screen.

An assembly part cannot have a Released EBOM Status if there are unreleased components (the Component Released check box is clear) or unreleased subassemblies (that is, a separate assembly part with its own EBOM Status, Part Status, and components at a lower level). Unreleased lower-level assemblies must have a Released EBOM Status before the higher-level assemblies can be released on a given multi-level EBOM.

Provisional Part

This field displays the provisional part type if the component part is a provisional part. You can establish provisional part types on the Manage Provisional Part Types screen, and you can assign them on the Manage Provisional Parts screen. This field is blank for standard parts.

Provisional Part Type

This field displays the provisional part type if the component part is a provisional part. You can establish provisional part types on the Manage Provisional Part Types screen, and you can assign them on the Manage Provisional Parts screen. This field is blank for standard parts.

Part Lookup Type

Use this drop-down list box to select the part type. The selection made in this field updates the information that displays in the Part Type field. The options in this drop-down list are Standard and Provisional.


Enter the estimated yield (%) of a manufacturing order for this parent for planning purposes. The default for this required numeric field is 100.00%, but you can change this to any value between 0.00 and 99.99.


Enter any notes related to the assembly.

Release Components

Click this button to release the component parts.

Table Window

Use this table to provide details about the component lines of the assembly part. If you selected the Use Separate EBOM Release Function check box on the Configure Bills of Material Settings screen, you can add or modify component lines for unreleased EBOM assemblies in this table window. The Component Released check box for newly added component lines defaults based on the setting in the Default Component Release Status in Bill group box (for EBOMs) on the Configure Bills of Material Settings screen. If you have not selected the Use Separate EBOM Release Function check box, you can release components (along with the EBOM assembly) in this table window.

Line No

Enter the line number to identify the specific EBOM component line. You can reuse the line number if it represents a different effective date or configuration ID.

Find No

Enter the drawing find number for this EBOM component line. When you populate the Line No field for a new line, this field defaults with zeroes, but can be modified. For example, if you enter 3 in the Line No field, the Find No field defaults to 0003.

Component Part

Enter, or click to select, the component part ID for this EBOM line. This must be a valid part ID from the Manage Parts screen (for standard parts) or from the Manage Provisional Parts screen (for provisional parts). If you enter a part and it does not exist in Costpoint, the application displays a message asking whether you would like to establish the unrecognized part ID as a provisional part. Select No to return to the main screen, or select Yes to open the Provisional Part dialog box, where you can enter provisional part data. You can access this information on the Manage Engineering Bills of Material screen and the Manage Provisional Parts screen, and the Part Status field displays as Provisional. However, if you entered a recognized, standard part, the Part Status field displays the corresponding part status description (for example, Released, Pre-release, Estimating, Obsolete, Phase-Out). You cannot list a provisional part on a released EBOM; you must convert the part to a standard part on the Convert Provisional Parts to Standard Parts screen before you can release the EBOM.

You can only use an MPS planned part as a component if the assembly part is also an MPS planned part.

Component Rev

Enter, or click to select, the component part revision for this EBOM line. This field must be a valid revision number for the part from the Manage Parts screen (for regular parts) or from the Manage Provisional Parts screen (for provisional parts).

Component Released

Select this check box if the component part is released.

Component Type

Use the drop-down list to select the component type code. Valid values are:

This required field defaults from the Manage Parts screen (for regular parts) or from the Manage Provisional Parts screen (for provisional parts), and can be modified.

Component Description

This field displays the description of the component part/revision.


Use the drop-down list to select Make if the component is a make part. Use the drop-down list to select Buy if the component is a buy part.  This required field defaults from the Manage Parts screen (for regular parts) or Manage Provisional Parts screen (for provisional parts), and can be modified.

Quantity Type

To specify how component requirements are calculated, use the drop-down list to select the quantity type code:

The default values depend on the component type and the setting of the As Required check box on the Manage Parts screen.


Enter the component part quantity for the EBOM in this required field.


This field displays the inventory unit of measure for the component from the Manage Parts screen (for standard parts) or the Manage Provisional Parts screen (for provisional parts).

Provisional Part Type

This field displays the provisional part type if the component part is a provisional part. You can establish provisional part types on the Manage Provisional Part Types screen, and you can assign them on the Manage Provisional Parts screen. This field is blank for standard parts.


Enter, or click to select, the ID of the configuration in which this component is used when planning this EBOM. This must be a valid ID from the Manage Configuration Identifiers screen. If you did not select the Use Configuration IDs check box on the Configure Bills of Material Settings screen, this field is hidden.

Configuration Description

This field displays the description of the selected configuration. If you have not selected the Use Configuration IDs check box on the Configure Bills of Material Settings screen, this field is hidden.

Effective Starting Date

Enter, or click to select, the date this component becomes effective in this EBOM. This required field defaults to the current date when you enter a new line and can be modified.

Effective Ending Date

Enter, or click to select, the date this component will cease to be effective in this EBOM. This optional field defaults to blank when you enter a new line and can be modified.

Component Released Date

This field displays the date and time the component was released on this EBOM if the Component Released check box is selected. Otherwise, this field is null.

Component Comments

Enter comments that apply to this EBOM component. Click to expand the comments entry window.

EBOM Exists

This field displays Y (Yes) if the component is a subassembly or N (No) if not. If this field is Y and you use to search for the component part ID, you can locate the component part as it displays in a separate EBOM assembly.

Component Part Status

This field displays the part status of the component. If the part has its own EBOM assembly (where the EBOM Exists field is Y), this field displays the Part Status for that EBOM subassembly. If the EBOM Exist field is N (that is, no subassembly exists), this field displays the part status from the Manage Parts screens for standard parts. This field displays Provisional for provisional component parts. The Component Released check box must be selected (Released) before the BOM Status can be Released and saved.

Component EBOM Status

This field displays the release status of the EBOM for a component if it is a subassembly. If the part has its own BOM assembly (where the EBOM Exists field is Y), this field displays the release status for that assembly level. If the EBOM Exists field is N, this field is null.


Enter the percentage (from 0.00 to 99.99) of this component that you expect to be lost when manufacturing this assembly. This required numeric field defaults from the Planning Details subtask of the Manage Parts screen, but can be modified here.

Stop Explosion

Select or clear this check box to indicate whether or not the BOM explosion should proceed to the next lower level of the subassembly. This field defaults to a clear check box for standard components; however, the initial value of this field is based on the component type for the line.

Omit Requirements

Select or clear this check box to indicate whether or not the quantity requirements of that component are to be omitted during the BOM explosion. This field defaults to a clear check box for standard components; however, the initial value of this field is based on the component type for the line.

Last ECN

This field displays the date of the last engineering change notice for this part. This field is disabled if you are using Engineering Change Notices.





Click this link to open the Configuration subtask, where you can view or modify the configuration identifiers for the selected component.

Assembly Serial Numbers

Click this link to open the Assembly Serial Numbers subtask, where you can view the configuration assembly serial numbers.

Part Documents

Click this link to open the Part Documents subtask, which displays documents associated with the parent part.

Clone EBOM Lines

Click this link to open the Clone EBOM Lines subtask, where you can clone EBOM lines for this component.

Reference Designators

Click this link to open the Reference Designators subtask, where you can enter reference designators for the component of this assembly.

Component Text

Click this link to open the Component Text subtask, where you can view/modify standard text codes attached to the selected component.

Alternate Parts

Click this link to open the Alternate Parts subtask, where you can view alternate part numbers for the selected component.

Substitute Parts

Click this link to open the Substitute Parts subtask, where you can view substitute parts for the selected component.

Part Documents

Click this link to open the Part Documents subtask, where you can display documents associated with the selected component part.

Create Provisional Part

Click this link to open the Create Provisional Part subtask, where you can look up a provisional part for the assembly part/revision and component part/revision revision fields.