Use this screen to approve requisition lines that can later be generated into purchase orders. Only those requisition lines within the approval scope of the user will display.
Assign a user ID to an approval title in the Requisition Approval Titles screen. You can assign several user IDs to one approval title. Each of these user IDs can approve the requisition line, as long as the user's minimum and maximum dollar limits are met. Then, assign approval titles to an approval process code in the Requisition Approval Processes screen. You can assign several approval titles to one approval process. Therefore, one approval process may require approval by many users.
You can also use this screen to reject a requisition. A rejection can occur for various reasons and causes processing for that requisition to be suspended.
This screen is accessible only if requisition approvals are done at the line level, where the Requisition Line radio button is selected in the Approval Level group box of the Requisition Settings screen. Otherwise, purchase requisitions will be approved in the Approve Purchase Requisitions screen.
Use this screen whenever there are requisition lines that require approval. This screen is available only if approvals are done at the requisition line level.
This field displays the requisition ID selected to be approved.
This field displays the revision, if one exists, for the requisition ID selected to be approved.
This field displays the employee ID of the requisitioner.
This field displays the date on which the requisition line was created.
This field displays the requisitioner's organization ID for this requisition line.
This field displays the requisitioner's phone number for this requisition line.
This field displays the requisitioner's phone extension for this requisition line.
This field displays the over budget status.
A "Yes" indicates you selected the Over Budget Validation checkbox in the Requisition Settings screen. This means you need to run the Calculate Over Budget Transactions screen in Costpoint Budgeting and ETC before the requisition can be approved.
A "No" indicates you did not select the Over Budget Validation checkbox in the Requisition Settings screen. If the requisition is not over budget, it can be approved.
A "Released" indicates that the Calculate Over Budget Transactions screen in Costpoint Budgeting and ETC has been run and the requisition can be approved.
This field displays the requisition line number.
This field displays the requisition line item.
This field displays the approval process code assigned to this requisition line.
This field displays the approval sequence number from the approval process assigned for this requisition line.
This field displays the approval title from the approval process assigned for this requisition line.
A "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) will display to indicate whether or not the approval title displayed is the preferred approver for this approval process.
Enter the status to continue processing this requisition line. The system-defined choices are as follows:
P - Pending. This requisition line is pending approval and cannot be turned into a purchase order.
A - Approved. This requisition line has been approved. It can be turned into a purchase order once all required approval titles have given their approval.
R - Rejected. The requisition line has been rejected during the approval process and can be corrected and submitted again.
Enter the employee ID that has been assigned to approve or reject this requisition line.
This field displays the approval action date that is the date on which the approval status was changed for this approval title. The system date is the default but can be changed.
If you have assigned an approval status of Rejected, you must enter, or use Lookup to select, a rejection reason in this field for the requisition line. Requisition Rejection Reason codes are established in the Requisition Rejection Reasons screen.
This field displays the item ID from the requisition line.
This field displays the item revision from the requisition line.
This field displays the item description from the requisition line.
This field displays the miscellaneous line charge type code from the requisition line.
This field displays notes that were entered by the requisitioner on this requisition line.
This field displays internal notes entered by the requisitioner on the requisition line.
This field displays the requisition unit of measure from the requisition line.
This field displays the requisitioned quantity from the requisition line.
This field displays the total estimated amount from the requisition line.
This field displays the inventory abbreviation code from the requisition line.
This field displays the overship value from the requisition line.
This field displays "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) as the QC inspection required value from the requisition line.
This field displays "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) as the source inspection required value from the requisition line.
This field displays "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) as the certificate of conformance required value from the requisition line.
This field displays the preferred vendor ID from the requisition line.
This field displays the preferred vendor name from the requisition line.
This field displays the transaction currency code that is specified for the requisition line item in the Exchange Rates subtask. All amounts on this screen will be in terms of this currency.
Select this pushbutton to access the Approval Process subtask, where you can view or maintain the approval process for this requisition/requisition line.
Select this pushbutton to view transaction currency, rate groups, and exchange rates for the requisition. This pushbutton will be disabled if you do not have access to Costpoint Multicurrency.
Select this pushbutton to view requisition line amounts in both transaction and functional currencies. This pushbutton is enabled if the transaction and functional currencies are different in the Exchange Rates subtask. This pushbutton will be disabled if you do not have access to Costpoint Multicurrency.
Select this pushbutton to access the Line Detail subtask, where you can view detailed requisition line data.
Use this pushbutton to activate the QC Line Text subtask, in which you can view or maintain quality control data for this requisition line.
Use this pushbutton to access the Approval Line Notes subtask, in which you can view or maintain the approval notes for this requisition/requisition line.
Use this pushbutton to access the Account Distribution subtask, in which you can view or assign project, account, and organization IDs to the selected requisition line.