Use this subtask to view the transaction currency exchange rate for the requisition transaction line if it occurs in a non-functional currency. This subtask displays all settings for the requisition from the Exchange Rates subtask in the Enter Requisitions, Requisition Processing and/or Requisition Processing by Line screens.
This field displays the requisition ID from the main screen.
This field displays the requisition's revision number from the main screen.
This field displays the requisition date from the Date field in the main screen.
This field displays the requisition's status from the Status field in the main screen.
This field displays the transaction currency for this requisition. This is the currency that will be used when generating purchase orders, and that your vendor will use on the invoice.
This field displays the rate group description for this requisition.
This field displays the date for which the exchange rate is used for this requisition.
This field mimics the Trans to Func rate when non-Euro currencies are used. When a Euro currency is used, this field will display the product of the Trans to Euro and Euro to Func fields. The fraction that is displayed to the right of the Trans to Euro field is the value of one divided by the Euro to transaction currency rate.
This checkbox is display-only. If this checkbox is selected, the last rate saved in these fields will be held. Other rates may be entered into Costpoint, but they will not be applied to this transaction (for gain or loss calculation) unless this checkbox is unchecked.
This field displays the transaction to functional exchange rate (or transaction to euro exchange rate) for the requisition. For those transactions that involve countries that are EC members, this field will be titled Trans to Euro and will display the rate for the transaction to Euro currency. This field will display as Trans to Func if non-EC currencies are being exchanged.
For those transactions that involve countries that are EC members, this field will be titled Euro to Func and will display the rate for the Euro to functional currency. This field will display as N/A if non-EC currencies are being exchanged.
This pushbutton is disabled in this subtask.