This screen displays all of the outstanding invoices for a specific project. You can use it when making collection calls to customers.

The only place you can enter data in this screen is in the Invoice Notes subtask, where you can enter notes about specific invoices by date. When printing out a projects open receivable report, you can include these notes. All of the information contained in this screen and its subtasks is stored in the Accounts Receivable History tables. To enter more data or make a change to the information displayed in this screen, use the Maintain A/R History screen. Please note that changes made directly into the Maintain A/R History screen do not update the General Ledger or Project Ledger balances.

You will normally use this screen after posting all of the cash receipts and billing for the accounting period. It does not show any invoices that have a balance due equal to zero. It also does not show invoices or cash receipts that have not been posted.

Org security can be applied to this function. This optional feature allows you to grant or remove rights to view and/or update specific organizations to users. In order to do so, you must first set up the necessary org security screens in Costpoint System Administration. You can then activate org security through the use of the Maintain Users and System Settings screens in that module. For more information about org security and how to apply it, see Special Topic SA-5, Organizational Security, and the screen documentation for org security in the Costpoint System Administration documentation.

Include Finance Charge Info

Select this check box to include finance charges on your outstanding invoices.


Select the All option to display all outstanding invoices.

At Least      Days Outstanding

Select the At Least option and enter up to four digits representing the minimum number of days outstanding for your inquiry. Only invoices with a Days Outstanding field equal to or greater than the number you enter will be displayed. Note that the system calculates the Days Outstanding field by subtracting the due date from the system date. Once you have entered the number of days outstanding, use or to populate the table window.

Average Days Over

This field displays the average number of days overdue for the selected invoices for this project.

Table Window

Invoice Number

This field displays the unique number that is used to identify the receivable amounts for projects. There are two special invoice numbers that are created by the cash receipts program. These are the INT and UNK invoice numbers. These invoices are related only to customers who have accrued finance charges or have prepaid an invoice. The system will use the customer's account number for the first part of the invoice number and end it with INT.  The INT invoice represents the amount of finance charges accrued and paid by the customer. The system will use the UNK plus a unique number to create an UNK invoice. The UNK invoice represents cash received from a specific customer that has not been distributed to existing invoices.

The INT function is not available at this time.

Customer Account

This field displays the customer account, if a customer was assigned in the Basic Info screen in Costpoint Project Setup.


This field displays the project number, if an invoice is related to a specific project number.

Project Name

This field displays the project name for the listed project number.

Customer PO Number

This is a display-only field. If your company enters a customer PO number on the billing, the system will post it into the Accounts Receivable history.

Bill Number

This field displays the project bill number, if applicable, for this invoice.

Sales Order Number

This field displays the sales order number, if an invoice is created because of a sales order.

Address Code

This field displays the address code assigned to the invoice.

Receivable Account

This field displays the G/L account to which the invoice was posted during billing.


This field displays the organization to which the invoice was posted during billing.

Ref 1 and Ref 2

These fields display the reference number to which this invoice was posted, if reference numbers are used in posting billings.

Invoice Date

This field displays the original date for which the invoice was calculated. Please note that the system uses the Due Date, rather than the Invoice Date, when calculating Days Outstanding.

Due Date

This field displays the due date that is calculated, based on the terms of the project, when the billing is posted.

Trans Curr

This field displays the abbreviation of the transaction currency. The currency names are maintained in the Maintain Currencies screen in Costpoint Multicurrency.

Rate Group

This field displays the rate group code that is used for this customer's transactions. Rate groups identify the source of exchange rate data.

Invoice Amount

This field displays the total amount of the receivable. The Balance Due displays the amount still outstanding.

Discount Amount

This field displays the original discount offered to the project for the invoice shown.

Amount Received

This field displays the amount of cash received for this invoice.

Discount Taken

This field displays the discount taken by the project for this invoice.

Adjustment Amount

This field displays the adjustment amount to be written off. The adjustment amount cannot be greater than the Balance Due amount.

Balance Due

This field displays the balance due that is calculated by subtracting the sum of the Amount Received plus the Discount Taken from the Invoice Amount.

Finance Charge Computed

This field displays the finance charge that was calculated for this invoice.

Finance Charge Received

This field displays the finance charge that was received for this invoice.

Net Amount Due

This field displays the net amount due. The system calculates this value by adding the invoice Balance Due to the Finance Charges Computed and subtracting any Charges Received.

Last Receipt Date

This field displays the last date a cash receipt was recorded for this invoice.

Invoice Type

This field is used by all types of invoices and is updated when you post. If the invoice is a Standard Bill, Project Product Bill, or Manual Bill, this field will contain an S. If the invoice is a Progress Payment bill, the invoice type will be P. If the invoice is a Delivery bill, the invoice type will be D.  Progress Payment bills must be initialized with the correct invoice types. The calculation process for both Progress Payment bills and Delivery invoices rely on these values. (For more information on Progress Payment bills, please see Billing Special Topic BL-7, Progress Payment Bills.)

Delivery Amount

This field is used by delivery invoices for projects that bill using progress payments. It is updated when you post delivery invoices from the Edit Project Product Bills screen in Costpoint Billing or post DD250 invoices from Costpoint Sales Order Entry. This field contains the full amount of the shipped finished good.

Liquidation Amount

This field is used by delivery invoices for projects that bill using progress payments. It is updated when you post delivery invoices from the Edit Project Product Bills screen in Costpoint Billing or post DD250 invoices from Costpoint Sales Order Entry. This field represents the total calculated amount of progress payments liquidated against the delivery invoice. Liquidation amounts are Progress Payments that have been paid by the customer. They reduce the delivery amount to arrive at the net invoice amount.

Liquidation Taken

This field is used by delivery invoices for projects that bill using progress payments. The value initialized in this field should always represent the liquidation taken when the cash is received. It should differ from the liquidation amount only when the payment of an invoice has been adjusted to reflect a different liquidation amount than invoiced.

Liquidation Account

This field is used by delivery invoices for projects that bill using progress payments. It is updated when you post delivery invoices from the Edit Project Product Bills screen in Costpoint Billing or post DD250 invoices from Costpoint Sales Order Entry. This field displays the account that was used to record the liquidation.

Unliquidated Account

This field is used by progress payment invoices. It is updated when you post progress payment bills. This field displays the account that was used to record the unliquidated amount.

Days Over

This is a display-only field. The system calculates this column by subtracting the Due Date from today's date, if the Balance Due is greater than zero. (If the Balance Due is less than or equal to zero, the Days Outstanding is calculated by subtracting the Due Date from the Last Receipt Date.) Please note that only invoices that have a Balance Due not equal to zero are shown on this screen. The average of this column displays in the Average Days Over field at the top of the screen.

Func Invoice Amount

This field displays the total amount of the receivable expressed in terms of your company's functional currency. The Func Balance Due column reflects the functional invoice amount still outstanding.

Func Discount Amount

This field displays the original discount offered to the project/customer for the invoice shown, expressed in terms of your company's functional currency.

Func Amount Received

This field displays the amount of cash received for this invoice expressed in terms of your company's functional currency.

Func Discount Taken

This field displays the discount taken by the customer for this invoice expressed in terms of your company's functional currency.

Func Adjustment Amt

This field displays the adjustment amount to be written off expressed in terms of your company's functional currency. The adjustment amount cannot be greater than the Balance Due amount.

Func Balance Due

The system calculates this column by subtracting the sum of Func Amt Rcvd plus the Func Disc Taken from Func Invc Amt.

Func Finance Chg Comp

This field displays the finance charge, expressed in terms of your company's functional currency, that was calculated for this invoice.

Func Finance Chg Rcvd

This field displays the finance charge received for this transaction expressed in terms of your company's functional currency.

Curr Exch Rt

Select this check box to maintain current exchange rate information (today's exchange rate between the billing and the functional currencies). If this check box is not selected, the system will maintain historical exchange rate information (the rate between the billing and functional currencies that existed at the time the bill was created).

Selecting and then clearing this check box will maintain both current exchange rate information and historical exchange rate information.

Functional Currency Totals

Invoice Amount

This non-editable field displays the total of the Invoice Amount column in terms of your company's functional currency.

Discount Taken

This non-editable field displays the total of the Discount Taken column in terms of your company's functional currency.

Amount Received

This non-editable field displays the total of the Amount Received column in terms of your company's functional currency.


This non-editable field displays the total of the Adjustment Amount column in terms of your company's functional currency.

Balance Due

This non-editable field displays the total of the Balance Due column in terms of your company's functional currency.

Customer Notes

Click this button to open the Customer Notes subtask and enter notes about the customer who is invoiced.


Click this button to open the Contacts subtask and maintain contacts by invoice for the customer being invoiced.

Invoice Detail

Click this button to open the Invoice Detail subtask, which displays the detail of the invoice in relationship to the posting of the bills and the cash receipts.

Invoice Notes

Click this button to open the Invoice Notes subtask and enter notes about a specific invoice.

Sales Tax

Click this button to open the Sales Tax subtask, which displays the detailed sales tax information for the invoice highlighted on the main screen.