Create a Team

Create teams so that you can assign projects and reviews to groups of people who share the same project role. You can create teams based on either organizational function or job function.

You must be an Account Administrator. If you are using a custom Account role, it must have the following permission(s) set to Yes:
  • Add Teams
  • Edit Teams (including Team Name, Managers and Members)
  • Delete Teams
For more information, see the What can be done to Teams section of the Edit Account Role Dialog Box.

To create a team:

  1. Log into your account.
  2. At the top right corner of your screen, click the Gear Wheel > Resources.
  3. On the main toolbar of the Resources screen, click Show Teams Show Teams.
  4. Click Add at the bottom of the Resources screen.
  5. In the Add Team dialog box, specify the following information:
    Name Specify a name for the team. Use a unique name so you can easily identify it. Do not enter a name you have already used in any of the roles in ConceptShare.
    Default Project Role Select a role from the roles in your account. ConceptShare assigns this role when the team is added to a project.
    Default Review Role Select a role from the review roles in your account. ConceptShare assigns this role when the team is added to a review.
    Description Enter a description. Descriptions provide a long-term understanding of the purpose of team assignments in the application.
  6. Click Save.