Create a Document Folder

In a project space, you create document folders for storing documents.

You must be an owner of a space, or an owner of the folder.

To create a document folder:

  1. In the Navigation pane, click Spaces.
  2. Click the space to navigate to it.
    To search for a space, enter the name in the Search Spaces field.
  3. Click the Documents tab.
  4. In the Folders tree, click > Add New Folder for the folder under which you want to create a subfolder.
    If the Folders tree is not displayed, click to display it.
  5. In the Folder Name field in the New Folder dialog box, enter a name for the folder.
  6. In the Groups and Access section, modify the folder access rights for the default groups, if required.
    To add a new group, click Add Group. To remove a group, click .
  7. Optional: In the Document Settings section, select any additional fields that you want to include for documents within the folder.
    These options are only available for accounts connected to Deltek PIM. By default, members can choose to enter information for additional document fields when they add documents to the folder. To require members to enter information for a particular field, select the respective check box in the Required column.
    Note: If the project space is linked to a project in Deltek PIM, and you make a field mandatory, any documents in the mapped document pool in PIM that do not have information entered for the field will not sync with the folder in Collaboration.
  8. Click Save.