Using the Inquiry toolbar

Use the Inquiry toolbar as follows.

Use this button To do this

Display the previous inquiry you viewed when clicking links to other inquiries.

Update the information in the inquiry to reflect any changes made in Ajera since you opened the inquiry.

Zoom in to increase the size when viewing the inquiry.

Zoom out to decrease the size when viewing the inquiry.


Search for specific information in the inquiry.

  1. Type the text, date, or number you are looking for.
  2. Click the Find button.
  3. Click the Next button to display the next occurrence of it.

Print, preview the printed version, or change the page setup.

To preview the inquiry as it appears when printed, click Print > Print Preview. To then return to the normal view, click Print > Print Preview again.

To set margins, page orientation, and paper type for printing the inquiry, click Print > Page Setup.

To print the inquiry, click Print > Print.

Export the inquiry to Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Excel, or Adobe Acrobat.

These buttons appear only when the inquiry is longer than one page. Page through the document as follows:

Click the arrow to display the first page, previous page, next page, or last page, respectively.

Type the page you want, and press Enter.

Click the Show All Rows button to see all the data.

Save an inquiry with a different name.

Click to show any hidden columns. The headings of hidden columns are dimmed in the inquiry.

To hide the hidden columns again, click Hide Hidden.

Set up general properties and set conditions for the inquiry.

View help topics about inquiries.