Managing the Custom Inquiriesmenu

You can change the way inquiries you create appear on the > Reports > Custom Inquiries menu.

Change the order of an inquiry

Group inquiries together in a submenu

Move an inquiry to a different submenu

Move an inquiry to the main menu

Change the order of an inquiry

  1. From the > Reports menu, click Custom Inquiries > Manage Custom Inquiries.
  2. Click the inquiry.
  3. Click or .
  4. Click Close.

Group inquiries together in a submenu

You can list inquires together in a submenu. For example, you may want to list several inquiries (Projects by principal, Projects by location, and Projects by project manager) together on a > Reports > Custom Inquiries > Projects menu.

  1. From the > Reports menu, click Custom Inquiries > Manage Custom Inquiries.
  1. For each inquiry you want to appear on a submenu, type the name for the new submenu in the Menu column.
  2. Click Close.

Move an inquiry to a different submenu

  1. From the > Reports menu, click Custom Inquiries > Manage Custom Inquiries.
  1. On the row of the inquiry you want to move, in the Menu column, type the submenu where you want the inquiry to appear.
  2. Click Close.

Move an inquiry to the main menu

  1. From the > Reports menu, click Custom Inquiries > Manage Custom Inquiries.
  1. On the row of the inquiry you want to move, in the Menu column, highlight the entry, and press the Delete key.
  2. Click Close.