Inquiry Properties window

General tab

Conditions tab

General tab

Use this tab to set general properties for the inquiry.




The name of the inquiry

Informational text

A short description or some other information you want to appear under the title of the inquiry

Limit number of rows displayed

The maximum number of rows in an inquiry. If blank, the first 2,500 rows of data appear in the inquiry, along with a Show All button, which you can click to show all rows.

Note: In most situations, it is best to limit the amount of data in an inquiry by setting conditions. If you are producing an inquiry where you only want to see a specific number of rows without regard to which ones are excluded, then enter a number in this field.

Conditions tab

Use this tab to set conditions for the inquiry. Rows on this tab consist of three fields which you use in relation to each other.


Location in row




The column for which you want to set a condition



The operator that expresses the relationship between the column and the field on the right

Column or Value


The value or column that completes the condition