Creating an inquiry

You create an inquiry by changing a standard inquiry.

Note: To create a new inquiry from an inquiry you previously created, see changing an inquiry. You save these inquiries differently from those you create from a standard inquiry.

To create a new inquiry from a standard inquiry

  1. Review the existing inquiries to determine which one is most like the inquiry you want to create. Either select different inquiries from the > Reports > Standard Inquiries menu, or review descriptions of each inquiry in help from Contents > Inquiry.
  2. From the > Reports > Standard Inquiries menu, click the standard inquiry you want to use to create the new inquiry.
  3. To save your work before you finish creating your inquiry, see Step 8 of these instructions for the different ways to save.
  4. Change the columns on the inquiry, as needed. You can add, move, hide, delete, and sort columns. You can also group information and link to other inquiries.
  5. Click the Properties button. The Inquiry Properties window appears.
  6. If you want a short description or some other information to appear under the title of the inquiry, type it in the Informational Text field.
  7. Set conditions for an inquiry, as needed, to limit the data that appears in the inquiry. For example, you may want to see only transactions for a certain date range or a specific client. Or you may want anyone who uses the inquiry to see only their transactions, not their coworkers' transactions.
Note: Because some detail inquiries have the potential of generating very large amounts of data, it is important to examine the standard inquiry carefully, and then set conditions to limit the content, as needed. In this way, you can ensure that you produce an inquiry with a useful amount of data, focused exactly on the information you want to see.
  1. Save the inquiry in one of the following ways:
  • Click the Save button to save your new inquiry with the same name as the standard inquiry. Any links in other inquiries which point to the standard inquiry are redirected to the inquiry that you save here instead.

Your changed version appears on the > Reports > Standard Inquiries menuwith the exact same name as the standard inquiry. However, so you can distinguish between them, your new inquiry appears in the section of the menu directly above all the standard versions.

  • Click the Save as button to save your inquiry with a unique name. Any links in other inquires which point to the standard inquiry continue to point to the standard inquiry, not the inquiry you save here. 

After you click the Save as button, type the new name in the Custom Inquiry Name field, and click OK.

After you save an inquiry, click and it appears on the menu. You can make it visible to other employees by selecting it in their security settings.