Creating a new inquiry column

If you do not see the column you want to add from the predefined list of columns, you can create your own column by defining a formula for it.

To create a new inquiry column

  1. Right-click a column heading where you want to add the new column, and click either Add column to the left or Add column to the right. The Column Properties window appears.
  2. In the Column field, select Formula. Additional fields appear on the window.
  3. In the Heading field, type a name for the new column.
  4. In the Width field, type the width of the column in inches. Use decimals such as .50 for half of an inch.
  1. Type a name for the formula in the Formula Name field. You can use this formula when setting conditions for this inquiry. However, you cannot use the formula in other inquiries.

If you plan to use this same formula in other inquiries, copy and paste it to a temporary file so you can then paste it into another inquiry without retyping it. If you want, after Step 8, you can press Ctrl+A in the Formula area to select the entire formula and then copy it.

  1. In the Formula field, click . The Formula Editor window appears.
  2. Build your formula by clicking items in the Available Columns area of the window, and then typing operators to define the relationship between those items. Existing formulas in the inquiry also appear in the Available Columns area.

If the Show non-numeric columns check box is selected, all numeric and non-numeric available items appear, including existing formulas and the Current User Key.

  • To select an item, click it in the list. It appears in the Formula area of the window.
  • Type any of the following operators directly into the Formula area of the window:
Operator Description









You can also use other Microsoft SQL Server functions. However, if you use SQL statements, you must write them using the actual database names for columns, not those displayed in lists.

More about creating formulas

  1. Click the Verify button. If Ajera cannot process your formula, it displays an error message. Correct the formula, and click the Verify button until Ajera no longer displays an error message.
  2. If the formula results in a percentage and is in the format of A/B or A/B * 100, right-click the column heading and select Properties. On the Number Format tab, select the Percent column check box. This ensures that the percentages total correctly.

If the formula is not in the correct percentage format, an error message appears, and you cannot save the column until you correct the formula or clear the Percent column check box.

  1. Click OK.
  • If needed, you can right-click the column heading and select Properties to set conditions on the formula.
  • If the formula uses the SQL Min/Max function, you can right-click the column heading and apply a date range.
  • If you delete a column that uses a formula referenced in a condition or another formula in the inquiry, a warning and a proceed/cancel option appear. If the formula is referenced in a link, no warning appears.