Create a New Field Mapping Template and Map Fields

Use these steps to add a new field mapping template and map schedule fields to Touchstone fields.

To add a field mapping template:

  1. In the Navigation pane, in Templates, click Field Mappings.
  2. Click + New Field Mappings in the top right corner of the view.
    A blank Field Mappings template displays in Detail view.
  3. Enter a Field Mappings template name.
  4. (Optional) Enter a description for the Field Mappings template.
  5. On the Mappings tab, at the bottom of the Field Mapping grid, click + Add Mapping.
    A blank line displays in the grid.
  6. Enter a field name in the Schedule Field column and a field name in the Touchstone Field column to map the fields.
  7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 until you have mapped all of the fields that are needed.
  8. Click Save.

To use this field mapping template, navigate to Projects, select the project for which you want to use this template, and select the template name on the Projects Configuration tab in the Field Mapping Template field.