User Access Levels Single Dialogs Workspace

Use this workspace to assign access levels to individual user names.

For each user, you can grant access to the jobs, customers, companies, invoice entries, and so on that are relevant to that user's role. You can control access to static information, such as customer and job information, and transactions, such as G/L entries and orders.

Access levels are hierarchical, with top levels, sub-levels, and sub-sub-levels. If a user has access to a level, that user has access to all of the levels below it in the hierarchy.

If you assigned a particular level to a user, that user has access to all of this level and any sub-levels of this level in the access level hierarchy. In database relations that use direct access control, the user is granted access to database entries assigned to the access level in question or one of its sub-levels. This means that this user can, for example, view and specify information about a given company in the Company Information workspace and create jobs with the company in question as the settling company. Note that this access control model only applies if the standard access control configuration has not been changed in your Maconomy system. If it has, the access to companies may depend on other factors. Using indirect access control, a user is also indirectly granted access to entries in Maconomy's database that refer to entries to which the user has access. For more information about the standard access control configuration, access control in a multi-company model, and direct and indirect access control on database entries, see the "Introduction to the Access Control System."

You create the access level hierarchy in the Access Levels workspace.

For auditing reasons, you should print out and file user access levels each time that you make changes to this workspace. You print this information using the Print button.