User Access Levels Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the User Access Levels sub-tab.

Field Description
Access Level In this field, you can enter the name of the user access level to which the user is to have access. Access levels are created in the workspace Access Levels.

The user will gain access to all information (companies, customers, vendors, price lists, jobs and so on) assigned to the selected access level or any other level below this level in the access level hierarchy. The user also gains access to referring to this information, meaning that not only can the user see information about, for example, a given customer in the workspace Customer Information Card, but the user can also specify the customer on a sales order.

In some cases, you need direct or indirect access to several pieces of information to see a given piece of information in a workspace. This functionality is described in further detail in the section “Introduction to the Access Control System” in the beginning of this chapter.

You can only grant a user access to an access level to which you have access yourself. However, the user Administrator can grant users access to any access level.

Furthermore, you cannot specify an access level of the type “User Specific,” as these access levels can only be assigned automatically as a result of selecting the action “Create New Users.”

Nor is it possible to assign a user directly to a level of the type “Access List.” If you want a user to have access to a level of this type, you must assign the user to a parent level of the access list in question.

Description This field shows the description of the access level. The field is transferred from the workspace Access Levels, and the field cannot be changed here.