User Types Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the User Types tab.

User Type Island

Field Description
User Type This field shows the name of the current user type. When creating a user type, you can specify the desired name for the user type here.
Description In this field, you can specify a description of the current user type.

User Creation Island

Field Description
User name in Field In this field, you can specify the name of the field in the relation selected in the field “Database Relation” where Maconomy can find the names to apply as user names for the individual users created. When users of the current type are created, Maconomy retrieves the value in the specified field for each entry matching the selection criterion specification on the user type, and applies this value as the user name of the user created for the entry in question.

If, for instance, you are setting up a user type to be used for creating users based on customers (that is, you have specified “Customer” in the field “Type”), and you want the customer number of the customer for which each user is created to also be the user name of the user created for the customer in question, specify the field “CustomerNumber” here.

If you have specified a prefix and/or a suffix in the fields “Prefix, User Name” and “Suffix, User Name” in this island, the user name of each user created will consist of the retrieved user name, preceded by any prefix and followed by any suffix specified in this island.

Please note that if a user of the current type is created in the workspace Users rather than by selecting the action “Create New Users” in this workspace, the user name is only retrieved in the above described manner if no user name has been specified manually on the new user.

Prefix, User Name In this field, you can specify a prefix to be added as the first part of the user name of users created when the action “Create New Users” is selected. For further information on how the user names of automatically created users are generated, see the field “User Name in Field” above.
Suffix, User Name In this field, you can specify a suffix to be added as the last part of the user name of users created when the action “Create New Users” is selected. For further information on how the user names of automatically created users are generated, see the field “User Name in Field” above.

Access List Island

Field Description
New This field can only be marked if the field “New” in the island User Specific Access Level has been marked.

In this field, you can specify whether the users created when the action “Create New Users” is selected or when creating a user of the current type in the workspace Users should be granted access to the information on which they are based. This can, for example, be desirable if you are creating users based on customers because you are running a customer portal or Web shop based on Maconomy information, and you want your customers to be able to access their own customer information.

If you mark the field, Maconomy runs the following procedure for each user created, either manually in the workspace Users or by selecting the action “Create New Users” in this workspace. In the description, the term “basis entry” is used about the entry (for example, the customer) on which a given new user is based.

  1. Maconomy creates a user specific access level as described in the field “New” in the island User Specific Access Level, and grants the new user access to this level in the workspace User Access Levels.
  2. Next, Maconomy creates an access level whose name is the user name of the user for which it is created, preceded by any prefix and followed by any suffix specified in this island. This access level is then assigned as a sublevel of the user specific access level.
  3. If an access level has been specified for the basis entry, the access level created in the previous step is also assigned as a sublevel of the access level of the basis entry, and the access level on the basis entry is changed to the new access level. If no access level has been specified for the basis entry, be it because the access level field is blank, or because it is simply not possible to specify an access level on the basis entry’s information type Maconomy issues a warning but does not undo the previous steps.

In a diagram, the access level structure will now look as follows. In the illustration below, it is assumed that a user is created on the basis of the customer John Smith, who belonged to access level 1.2 before the action “Create New Users” was selected, and that the prefix “USR_” has been specified in the island User Specific Access Level, and the prefix “AL_” has been specified in this island.

On the information card of the customer, access level 1.2 is changed to AL_John Smith, and in the workspace User Access Levels, user John Smith is granted access to the level USR_John Smith, thereby also gaining access to AL_John Smith.

This structure ensures that the new user gains access to his own customer information card but that he does not gain access to information about other customers. However, all users who had access to the customer before the action was selected will still have access to the customer, as he is assigned to a sublevel of the access level to which he was assigned before.

If you do not mark the field, this field and the other fields in this island have no effect.

Please note that this functionality does not grant the new users access to their own user information in the workspace Users, as this is determined by the company to which the individual user is assigned. When creating users, this access level is transferred from the information card of the template user assigned to the current user type.

Prefix If the field “New” in this island is marked, you can specify in this field a prefix to be added as the first part of the names of the access levels created when the action “Create New Users” is selected. For further information on how the access levels are generated, see the field “New” above.
Suffix If the field “New” in this island is marked, you can specify in this field a suffix to be added as the last part of the names of the access levels created when the action “Create New Users” is selected. For further information on how the access levels are generated, see the field “New” above.

User Island

See the Getting Started topic for a description of the fields in the island User.

Remarks Island

Field Description
Remarks In these fields, you can enter any remarks to the current user type. The fields are for reference only.

User Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Database Relation In this field, you can specify the database relation containing the type of information for which new users should be created when using the action “Create New Users.” For instance, if you want to create users for a range of customers, you can select the relation Customer here. If you leave this field blank and specify a value in the field “Type,” Maconomy automatically completes this field with the database relation used for storing information of the selected type. If the field is completed, the user type can only be used for automatic creation of users. If the field is left blank, the user type can only be used for manual creation of users.

You can only specify a relation for which instance key registration has been activated in the workspace Database Relations. This is due to the fact that on automatically created users, the instance key is used for determining whether a user has already been created for the database entry on which the user was based. For further information on instance key registration, see the workspace Database Relations.

Please note that the action “Create New Users” can only be used in this workspace if a value has been specified in the field “Type.” If you specify a database relation but leave the field “Type” blank, users can only be created from the entries in the specified relation by means of the import program Import Users. For more information on this, see the manual on the import program Import Users.

External Relation Name This field shows the external name of the relation specified in the field “Database Relation” above.
Type In this field, you can specify the type of information for which users should be created when the action “Create New Users” is selected. For instance, if you want to create users for a range of customers, select the type Customer here.

If you specify a type in this field and leave the field “Database Relation” blank, Maconomy automatically completes the fields “Database Relation” and “External Relation Name” with the internal and external names of the database relation used for storing information of the selected type.

The action “Create New Users” can only be used in this workspace if a value has been specified in this field.

Selection Criterion Specification No. In this field, you can specify the number of a selection criterion specification created in the workspace Selection Criterion Specification. If a type has been specified in the field “Type” above, the selection criterion specification must be of the specified type.

When you select the action “Create New Users,” Maconomy will create users for the entries in the above selected database relation that match the criteria in the selection criterion specification in question. However, a user is only created for a given entry if a user does not already exist for the entry in question.

Description This field shows a description of the selection criterion specification specified in the field above.

User Specific Access Level Island

Field Description
New In this field, you can specify whether Maconomy should automatically assign each new user of the current type to an access level automatically created by Maconomy.

If you mark the field, selecting the action “Create New Users” will cause Maconomy to create an access level for each user created in the process. Similar functionality applies when creating a user of the current type in the workspace Users. The access level created for a given user is assigned the same name as the user for which it is created, preceded by any prefix and followed by any suffix specified in this island. Maconomy automatically assigns the user to the new access level in the workspace User Access Levels.

Please note that this functionality does not grant the new users access to their own user information, as this is determined by the field “Access Level” in the information card of the individual users. When creating users, this access level is transferred from the information card of the template user assigned to the current user type.

If you do not mark the field, no user specific access levels are created when the action “Create New Users” is selected, and the users created are only assigned to the access levels indicated by the template user assigned to the current user type.

Prefix If the field “New” is marked, you can specify in this field a prefix to be added as the first part of the names of the user specific access levels created when the action “Create New Users” is selected. For further information on how the access levels are generated, see the field “New” above.
Suffix If the field “New” is marked, you can specify in this field a suffix to be added as the last part of the names of the user specific access levels created when the action “Create New Users” is selected. For further information on how the access levels users are generated, see the field “New” above.

Access Level Island

Field Description
Access Level In this field, you can specify the name of an access level. You only have access to the current user type if you have been assigned to the same or a higher level in the workspace User Access Levels. This means that in other workspaces, you can only specify user types (for example, on a template user) to which you have access. Furthermore, in this workspace, a given user can only see the user types to which he has access. Please note that this access control model only applies if the standard access control configuration has not been changed in your Maconomy system. If it has, the access to user types may depend on other factors. For more information about this, please see the section “Introduction to the Access Control System.”

If no access level is specified, all users have access to the current user type.

Description This field shows the description of the selected access level entered in the workspace Access Levels.