User Types Single Dialogs Workspace

Use this workspace to define user types, which serve as a starting point when you set up new users.

This workspace is available if you installed the Extended User Creation add-on.

A user type is essentially a template that you set up that includes the settings that you normally apply to new Maconomy users. You can create users manually, in which case the information from the template is copied directly to the new user's record. You can also create users from other Maconomy information (for example, turning a group of customers into a group of users), in which case you use user types to define how these users are created.

You use user types in connection with creating users, because the user type identifies template information to be applied to new users.

You can use user types either when manually creating users or when creating users from other information, such as a user for each customer within a specified range. When you create regular users, the user type merely identifies the template user whose information should be copied to new users who you assigned to the current user type. You create these template users in the Users workspace. When you create users from other types of information, the user type not only identifies the template user to be applied to the new users, but also determines the information from which users should be created and the access control to be applied to the users. You can use each user type only for one of these two purposes. If you leave the Database Relation field empty, you can only use the user type for manually creating users. Otherwise, you can only use the user type for automatically creating users.

You can create users from other Maconomy information. For example, this can be helpful if you are running a customer portal or web shop that is based on Maconomy information, and you want your customers to be able to access their own customer information and information about their own orders. In such cases, this workspace enables you to create the customers as users so that they can log in to your Maconomy system and access information that is relevant to them. The functionality of creating users based on other information applies to the predefined information for which you can set up selection criteria specifications in the Selection Criterion Specification workspace. For information about predefined information types in selection criterion specifications, see the Type field.

To create users based on another type of information, in the User Selection Criteria island, enter the type of information for which users should be created-for example, customers-and a selection criterion specification that identifies the relevant entries (customers) for which users should be created. When you use the Create New Users action, Maconomy creates a user for each customer who matches the selection criteria and for whom no user has already been created, applying the access and template user information indicated by the current user type.