Contact Persons Single Dialog Workspace

Use this workspace to enter and maintain information about contact persons.

A contact person can be a specific person within a company that you entered in the Contact Companies workspace; however, Maconomy does not require a contact person to be related to a contact company. In addition to the contact person name, you can also enter this person's working or private address, information about the person's education, and supplementary remarks.

You can create contact persons by using linking rules if they are assigned to a contact company. If you used the Linking Rules workspace in the Set-Up module to create a linking rule between the ContactCompany and ContactPerson database tables, you can copy certain information from a contact company to a contact person when you create the contact person. The setup of the relevant linking rule determines the information that a contact person inherits from a contact company. You can also identify what information users can change in this workspace.

For example, if you create a linking rule from the ContactCompany table to the ContactPerson table that specifies that all contact company information, except for a few fields such as Attn. and E-mail, should be inherited by contact persons with the standard linking method Full, Maconomy copies the relevant information to the contact persons using this linking rule. The selected linking rule determines which fields are can be changed the Contact Persons workspace.

The setup of the linking rule that you assign to the contact person, if any, determines whether or not you can enter, change, or only review a value in each field.

See the description of the Contact Company island in this workspace and the introduction to the Linking Rules workspace in the Set-Up module for more information about the use of linking rules when creating contact persons.

You can also create employees based on contact persons using the Create Employee action. This functionality is useful if you want to use the Contact Management module's event flow functionality to enter historical employee information or keep track of information such as the projects in which employees are involved or courses that they have taken. For more information about creating employees from contact persons, see the description of the Create Employee action.