Contact Persons Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Contact Persons tab.

Contact Person Island

Field Description
Contact Person In this field, you can specify the name and number of a contact person. The number can consist of both figures and letters. If you do not enter a number, a number will be allocated automatically from the number series Contact Person in the window Number Series, provided that this series has been created. The company specific number series used depends on whether the contact company specified in the field “Contact Comp. No.” (if any) has been assigned to a company, that is, that the field “Company No.” has been completed for the contact company in question in the window Contact Companies. If it has, the number series of this company is used. If it has not, or if no contact company has been specified for the contact person, the contact person number is derived from the standard company specified in the window System Information.

It is possible to change the number of a contact person upon creation. If you do so, Maconomy will update all references made to the current contact person in other windows accordingly. If the contact person is, for example, assigned to a customer, the contact person number on the customer information card in question is changed to match the updated contact person number.

The island also contains a number of extra lines used for the name and address of the contact person. The fourth one of the extra lines contains two fields, one for zip code and the other for postal district. If you enter a zip code and leave the postal district field blank, the postal district field is automatically completed, provided that the zip code in question has been entered for the relevant country in the window Postal Districts in the Set-Up module. For further information, see the description of the window Postal Districts.

Attn. In this field, you can specify an attention person.
Country In this field, you select the country of the contact person. Countries are defined in the window Popup Fields in the set-up module.
Phone In this field, you can specify the phone number of the contact person.
Phone 2 In this field, you can specify a second phone number to the contact person.
Mobile In this field, you can specify the mobile phone number of the contact person.
Mobile 2 In this field, you can specify a second mobile phone number to the contact person.
Fax In this field, you can specify the fax number of the contact person.
Telex In this field, you can specify the telex number of the contact person.
E-mail In this field, you can specify the e-mail number of the contact person.
Department In this field, you can select which department you want to connect the contact person to. Departments can be defined in window Posting References in the G/L module.
Education In this field, you specify the contact person’s education.
Position Enter a position for the contact person, or press CTRL+G to search for a possible position value. The CTRL+G search option is available if a position option list is specified for contact persons in the Contact Management Setup window.
Initials In this field, you can specify the initials of the contact person.
Soc. Security No. In this field, you can specify the social security number of the contact person.
Date of Birth In this field, you can specify the contact person’s date of birth.
Age This field shows the age of the current contact person, calculated on the basis of the date of birth specified above.
Gender In this field, you can specify the gender of the employee. You can select any of the following values:
  • Male
  • Female
  • Diverse
  • Prefer not to classify
Blocked If you mark this field, the current contact person is blocked. It is not possible to assign a blocked contact person to events, contact groups, contact companies, and so on. However, you can unblock the contact person again by unmarking this field.

Employee Information Island

Field Description
New Employee No. When you select the action “Create Employee,” an employee is created on the basis of the current contact person, and in this field you can specify information about the employee number to be assigned to the new employee. If you have specified a number in this field before selecting the action, the new employee is assigned this number, and the contact person number of the current contact person is subsequently changed, becoming identical to the number of the new employee. If this field is blank when the action is selected, the employee is assigned the same number as the current contact person. See the description of the action “Create Employee” for further information on the effects of creating an employee from a contact person.
Employee No. When creating a contact person, you can base the contact person on an existing employee by specifying a number in this field. If you do so, the new contact person will be assigned to the employee specified in this field, and information will flow from the employee to the contact person.
Termination Date If the employee in the field “Employee No.” above has been terminated, this field shows the date when the termination took place.

Document Archive Island

Field Description
Document Archive In this field, you can assign a document archive to the contact person. By assigning a document archive to a contact person, you can keep track of the various documents related to the contact person. Document archives are created in the window Document Archives in the Set-Up module. See the description of that window for further information on the use of document archives.
Document Count This field shows the total number of documents in the Document Archive.

Note Island

Field Description
Note No. In this field, you can assign a note to the contact person. The field is automatically completed if a note was created using the action "Create Note.”

Employee Information Island

Field Description
Employee Use this field to enter the name and number of the employee responsible for the contact person. The employee name automatically shows in the Name field.

When you update the responsible employee on a contact person in this field, Maconomy also shows that employee in the table part as the employee responsible for that contact person.

Access Level Island

Field Description
Access Level Here you can enter the name and description of an access level created in the window Access Levels. Users only have access to information about the current contact person if they have been assigned to this or a higher access level in the window User Access Levels in the Set-Up module. Please note that this access control model only applies if the standard access control configuration has not been changed in your Maconomy system. If it has, the access to contact persons may depend on other factors. For further information about the standard access control configuration and access control in a multi-company model, please see the section “Introduction to the Access Control System” in the Set-Up module.

If you do not specify an access level, all users will have access to see information about the current contact person.

Description This field shows the description of the access level specified in the field above.

Option List Fields Island

Field Description
List Enter the names and values for default options in these fields to provide additional information about a contact person.

In the Option List column, enter names of option lists. In the corresponding Value column, enter values that are available in the respective option lists.

When you create a contact person these fields are initialized to the values that you entered during setup. However, you can change those values when you create a contact person.

Value In these fields, you can specify values available in the respective option lists specified in this island. The fields can, for example, be used for further specification of the contact person. If a given option list field in this island has been left blank, any text can be entered in the corresponding value field.

Remarks Island

In this field, you can enter additional remarks concerning a contact company.

Company Island

Field Description
Company In this field, you can specify a company name and number if the current contact person pertains to a given company in the G/L module. It is possible to leave the field blank, but if the contact person is assigned to an employee or a contact company, any company number specified in this field must match the number of the company to which the employee or contact company in question is assigned. If the contact person is neither assigned to an employee nor a contact company, you can enter the number of any company in the G/L system.

The contents of this field also determine which users have access to see information about the contact person and refer to it in other windows. In the window Company Information in the G/L module it is possible to assign each company to an access level. A user only has access to see information about a given contact person if he has been granted access to the access level in the window Access Levels in the Set-Up module that the company in question is assigned to or a superordinate level. In addition, the user must have access to the access level specified in the island Access Level to have access to the contact person. Please note that this access control model only applies if the standard access control configuration has not been changed in your Maconomy system. If it has, the access to contact persons may depend on other factors. For further information about the standard access control configuration and access control in a multi-company model, please see the section “Introduction to the Access Control System” in the Set-Up module.

Contact Company Island

Field Description
Contact Company If the contact person is related to a contact company, you can specify the name and number of the contact company in question in this field.

If you want to create a contact person on the basis of a linking rule, you can enter a contact company number here and specify the name of the relevant linking rule in the field “Linking Rule” below. Once you press Return, the contact person in question will be created on the basis of the contact company specified in this field and the linking rule specified in the field “Linking Rule.” If you do not specify a linking rule, Maconomy will use a standard linking rule, if one has been created between the tables “ContactCompany” and “ContactPerson” in the window Linking Rules in the Set-Up module. The information copied to the contact person will depend on the set-up of the specified linking rule.

Linking Rule In this field, you can specify the linking rule that you want to use for the creation of the current contact person. If you have specified a contact company in the field “Contact Company” above and you do not specify a linking rule in this field, Maconomy will use a standard linking rule, if one has been created between the tables “ContactCompany” and “ContactPerson” in the window Linking Rules in the Set-Up module. If no standard linking rule has been created, Maconomy will display an error message. Linking rules contain information about what information should be copied from a contact company to a contact person. Linking rules are maintained in the window Linking Rules in the Set-Up module. For further information about linking rule creation and usage and rules concerning the copying of field information from contact companies, please see the description of the window Linking Rules in the Set-Up module.

Information Island

Field Description
Popup 1-20 In each of these fields you can select different information pertaining to the contact person. The fields are pop-up fields, that is, you can select one of the options created for each pop-up field. The “Contact Person Popup 1-20” fields can be defined in the Popup Fields window in the set-up module.

Personnel Requisition Island

Field Description
Requisition No. If the current contact person is associated with a personnel requisition, for instance because he or she was created as a contact person as a result for applying for a position on a personnel requisition.

If you create an employee on the basis of the current contact person and you have specified a requisition number in this field, certain information is transferred from the specified requisition to the new employee. This information includes the requisition number, supervisor and the information in the island Dimensions for Employee.

Extra Fields Island

Field Description
Date 1-5 In these fields, you can enter dates relevant to the contact person. The fields are for information only.
Amount 1-5 In these fields, you can enter amounts relevant to the contact person. The fields are for information only.

User Island

See the chapter “Getting Started” for a description of the fields in the island User.