
This section shows the Actions available in the Contact Persons workspace.

Top Tab

Field Description
Create Employee When you select this action, an employee is created in the window Employees on the basis of the current contact person. Information common to both contact persons and employees is copied to the new employee, and subsequent changes to this information on the contact person will cause the employee to be updated accordingly and vice versa.

If you have specified a number in the island New Employee, the new employee is assigned the specified number. If you have not specified a new employee number, the new employee is assigned the same number as the contact person.

You can only select this action if you have been granted access to creating employees from contact persons. Access is granted by marking the field “Create Employee from Contact Person” in the window Actions in the Set-Up module. The action cannot be selected if the current contact person is blocked or if the contact person is already assigned to an employee.

Attach Document to Contact Person This action allows you to attach a document to the contact person.
Create Note This action creates and assigns a note to the contact person. Maconomy derives the note type for the note from the contact management setup. Maconomy uses the company number, matched to the user’s company number, to derive the right setup to use.