Campaigns Single Dialog Workspace

Use this workspace to create campaigns.

You use campaigns to automatically create events for a target group of contact companies and persons.

You specify a target group for a campaign by using one or several predefined selection criterion specifications that you create in the Selection Criterion Specification workspace in the Set-Up module. You enter these selection criterion specifications in the Campaigns tab in this workspace. When you initiate a campaign by using the Create Initial Events action, Maconomy creates an event flow for each combination of contact company and contact person that matches one or more of the selection criterion specifications in the campaign 's tab, linking the event flows to the campaign.

Maconomy uses the event flow type that you enter for the campaign as the basis for the event flow and identifies the event plan to be used for all of the flows in the campaign. Maconomy then creates one or more events in each of these event flows, based on the templates for initial events in this event plan. Maconomy assigns these events to the company and people who have that event flow. Maconomy transfers the information about each event from the templates for initial events, the event flows, and the contact companies and people for whom it creates the events.

Before you create events, check the size of the campaign by using the Calculate Target Group Size action, which calculates the number of contact companies and people that match the selection criterion specifications in the Campaigns tab. You can then change the target group if the campaign includes too many or too few contact companies and people.

You process the events that Maconomy creates separately in the Events workspace, where you can enter the result of the event and a thorough description of the course of the event. However, in the Campaigns workspace you can perform actions on all events that you assign to a campaign. You can also work with all of the events in an event flow and perform actions on them in the Event Flow workspace.

You can use the Create Secondary Events action if you want Maconomy to create secondary events for all of the events that belong to a campaign. You can close all of the events in a campaign by using the Close Events action.

You can add contact companies and people to a campaign, even after you create the initial events. To do this, change the selection criterion specifications in the Campaigns tab and use the Create Initial Events action again. Maconomy then identifies the contact companies and people that match the new target group in the Campaigns tab and creates initial event flows and events for those contact companies and people for which you have not yet created events in the current campaign.