Campaign Selection Criterion Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Campaign Selection Criterion sub-tab.

Field Description
Selection Criterion Specification No. In this field, you can specify the number of a selection criterion specification created in the window Selection Criterion Specification. Depending on whether the selection criterion specification type is “Contact Company” or “Contact Person,” the campaign will thus include the contact companies or persons matching the criteria in the selection criterion specification in question. If several selection criterion specifications are added to the table part, a contact company or person need only match the criteria in one of these selection criterion specifications to be included in the campaign.

If a contact person matches the criteria in one or several of the selection criterion specifications in the table part, the contact person in question is only included in the campaign once, meaning that Maconomy does not create event flows and events for each of the selection criterion specifications matched by the same contact person.

A contact company can be included several times, so that several event flows and events with the same contact company number are created. Maconomy uses the following rules to determine the number of times the same contact company should be included:

A contact company is included once if it matches one or several of the selection criterion specifications of the type “Contact Company” specified in the table part. This means that Maconomy does not create event flows and events for each of the contact company selection criterion specifications matched by the same contact company.

However, if the table part contains selection criterion specifications of the type “Contact Person,” a contact company is furthermore included once for each included contact person assigned to the contact company in question.

Selection Criterion Specification Type In this field, you must specify if the current selection criterion specification pertains to contact companies or contact persons. In the window Selection Criterion Specification, you specify for each selection criterion specification to which one of these types of information the selection criterion specification pertains.

As it is possible to have two different selection criterion specifications that have the same number but pertain to different types of information, you must specify in this field which of the two selection criterion specifications is in question.

The selection criterion specification type must be specified regardless of whether there are several specifications with the number entered in the field “Selection Criterion Specification No.,” but Maconomy checks that a selection criterion specification with the specified combination of number and type exists.

Description This field shows a description of the current selection criterion specification.