Campaigns Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Campaigns tab.

Campaign Island

Field Description
Campaign In this field, you enter the name and number of the campaign.
Description In this field, you can enter a short description of the campaign.

Targeting Code Island

Field Description
Targeting Code Enter a targeting code. You can only use this field if you have not entered any selection criteria in the table part.

If you specify a targeting code in this field, the Create Initial Events action acts on all contact persons and companies that are assigned to this targeting code.

Event Flow Island

Event Flow Type If contact management setup defined a default event flow type for campaigns, this field initializes that event flow type.

In this field, you must specify an event flow type created in the Event Flow Types window. The event flow type contains template information which is copied to new current event flows. Most of this information can be changed on the individual event flows. Event flows created automatically as part of a campaign are assigned the event flow type specified for the campaign.

Company Island

Field Description
Company In this field, you can enter the name and number of the company responsible for the campaign. This company number is assigned to the event flows and events created in connection with the current campaign.

If you do not enter a value manually, Maconomy will attempt to derive a value, using the order of priority set up in the window Dimension Derivations in the G/L module. If no value can be derived, the standard value is transferred from the window System Information in the Set-Up module.

See the section “Multiple Companies” in the chapter “Introduction to the G/L Module” and the window Dimension Derivations in the G/L module for a further description of the concept of dimension derivation.

Remarks Island

In these fields you can enter additional remarks about the campaign.

Status Island

Field Description
Event Flows Initiated This field shows the total number of contact companies and persons for which events have been created in the current campaign.

If a contact person matches the criteria in one or several of the selection criterion specifications in the table part, the contact person in question is only included in the campaign once, meaning that Maconomy does not create events for each of the selection criterion specifications matched by the same contact person.

A contact company can be included several times, so that several events with the same contact company number are created. Maconomy uses the following rules to determine the number of times the same contact company should be included:

A contact company is included once if it matches one or several of the selection criterion specifications of the type “Contact Company” specified in the table part. This means that Maconomy does not create additional events for each of the contact company selection criterion specifications matched by the same contact company.

However, if the table part contains selection criterion specifications of the type “Contact Person,” a contact company is furthermore included once for each included contact person assigned to the contact company in question. As mentioned, each contact person is only included once, even if he matches several of the contact person selection criterion specifications.

Date Of Last Initial Event Creation This field shows the last date on which initial events were created for the campaign, using the action “Create Initial Events.”
Date of Last Secondary Event Creation This field shows the last date on which secondary events were created for the campaign, using the action “Create Secondary Events” in this window. Selecting the corresponding action for individual event flows in the campaign in the window Event Flows will not cause an update in this field.
Blocked If you mark this field, the current campaign is blocked. When a campaign is blocked, you can no longer select any of the actions in the Action menu, and you can no longer assign new events to the current campaign. Maconomy also marks the field “Blocked” on all event flows assigned to the campaign.

You can thus mark this field if you wish to stop the development of a campaign.

You can unmark the field at any time, thus unblocking the campaign and its event flows.

User Island

See the chapter “Getting Started” for a description of the fields in the island User.