Document Revision History Single Dialogs Workspace

Use this workspace to review revisions made to the documents that are stored in your document archives.

You can see which documents have been changed and open or export the documents for further review.

In the Document Revision History tab, you can select the document archive line whose revisions you want to see by browsing to the relevant combination of document archive number and line number, corresponding to the position of the line in the Documents sub-tab of the Document Archives workspace. The Document Revisions sub-tab of the Document Revision History workspace then displays a line for each revision that has been created for the document archive line that you selected in the document Revision History tab. The latest revision is also displayed, even though it might still be open. The lines are sorted by revision number, with the latest revision appearing on the top line. For more information about the concept of multiple revisions of archive lines, see the description of the Revision Control field in the Document Archives workspace.

Each line in the Document Revisions sub-tab displays information that is similar to the information that appears in lines in the Document Archives workspace, and you can perform similar actions. By placing the cursor on the appropriate revision line and using the Show Document or Export Document action, you can view or export the document that is stored in a given revision, for instance if you want to compare it to the latest revision. You can also lock, unlock, and close the latest revision using actions in this workspace.