Document Revisions Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Document Revisions sub-tab.

Field Description
Revision No. This field shows the number of the revision presented on the current line in the sub-tab.
Revision Text This field shows the description of the revision, as entered before the revision was closed. For the latest revision, the text can be entered as long as the revision has not been closed.
Document Type This field shows the type of the file assigned to the revision.
Document Size (Bytes) This field shows the size of the file assigned to the revision. The size is displayed in bytes.
Changed on This field shows the date on which the file was last modified. If the file has not been modified, the field shows the date on which the file was assigned the document archive.
Time of change This field shows the time when the file was last modified. If the file has not been modified, the field shows the time at which the file was assigned the document archive.
Changed by This field shows the name of the last user to import a file to the current line.
Closed This field shows whether the revision on the current line is closed. Only the latest revision of a given document archive line can be open.
Closed, Date If the revision has been closed (see the field “Closed” above), this field shows the date on which the revision was closed.
Closed, Time If the revision has been closed (see the field “Closed” above), this field shows the time when the revision was closed.
Closed By If the revision has been closed (see the field “Closed” above), this field shows the name of the user who closed the revision.
Remarks 1-10 These fields show the description of the revision, as entered before the revision was closed. For the latest revision, the remarks can be entered as long as the revision has not been closed.