Document Revision History Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Document Revision History tab.

Document Island

Field Description
Document Name This field shows the name of the document stored on the document archive line selected in the tab.
Locked This field shows whether the latest revision of the current document archive line has been locked. For further information on the concept of locking documents, see the description of the field “Edit Control” in the tab of the workspace Document Archives.
Locked By If the field “Locked” above is marked, this field shows the name of the user who locked the current document archive line. A locked document archive line can only be unlocked by the user who locked it or by a user granted access to unconditionally unlock document archive lines. This access is granted in the workspace Actions.
Latest revision is closed This field shows whether the latest revision of the current document archive line is closed. If the revision is closed, importing a file to the line will result in a revision being created, causing the file to be imported to the new revision. If the revision is not closed, importing a file to the line will cause the file stored in the latest revision to be overwritten and lost. Please note, however, that if the field “Close Revision on Import” has been marked for the document archive to which the document archive line pertains, the latest revision is automatically closed when a file is imported, ensuring that a file being imported is always stored in a new, separate revision.

You can close the latest revision by selecting the action “Close Latest Revision.” This action can only be selected if the field “Revision Control” is marked in the tab. For further information, see the description of the field “Revision Control.”

Document Archive Island

Field Description
Document Archive This field shows the number and description of the document archive to which the archive line selected in the tab pertains.

Access Level Island

Field Description
Access Level This field shows the name and description of the access level assigned to the document archive to which the archive line selected in the tab pertains.