Events Single Dialog Workspace

Use this workspace to enter and maintain information about events.

An event can be contact with a customer—such as a phone call, a meeting, and so on—but it can also be part of the processing of a job. Among other things, you can enter how the event is performed, who performs it, the name of the contact person, and whether the event is part of a campaign.

You can create events manually in this workspace, or you can create them automatically as part of an event flow. You can do this for individual event flows in the Event Flow workspace, or for all of the event flows that you assign to the same campaign in the Campaigns workspace. When you create events automatically as part of an event flow, the creation is based on an event plan that contains template information that Maconomy copies to each event. See the Event Plans workspace for more information about this functionality. You can also create events manually as lines in the Job Events and Event Flow workspace's sub-tabs.

You can assign an event to a job and an activity, as well as to a task. You can use the integration with jobs in the Job Cost module to manage the job process and keep track of who is responsible for the next step in the process. To do this, create a job that is assigned to an event each time that you close part of the job process, or when you pass the job on to another employee for further processing. By creating several events for the same job, you can document the job process thoroughly. For instance, you can use the notes in the Note Lines sub-tab to describe in detail what happens in each part of the job processing, and you can use the job processing status to indicate the progress of the job or the person or function responsible for the next step. In the Job Events workspace, you can trace the processing of a job, because that workspace shows the description, job processing status, and so on, for each event that you assigned to the same job. The Event Flows workspace provides similar functionality for documenting event flows. For more information about this, see the description of the Event Flow Status field.

You can have Maconomy enter the time that each event consumes by using a timing function that you activate and deactivate using the Start Timer and Stop Timer actions.

Use the Transfer to Time Sheet action to transfer the time consumption of an event to a time sheet. You identify the relevant time sheet by the employee number, dimension values, job, and activity number that you enter for the event. However, you can only transfer time to a time sheet if a time sheet that covers the relevant period already exists for the employee in question.

The Note Lines sub-tab displays the contents of a note that you assign to the current event, enabling you to describe the event in detail. However, to be able to enter or change text in the Note Lines sub-tab, you must assign the event to a note. Maconomy does this automatically at event creation if you set up the event flow type by selecting the Create Aut. Note field. You set up the event type in the Popup Fields workspace in the Set-Up module. If you have not set up the event type for automatic note creation, you can assign a note to the current event by specifying a note manually in the Note No. field or using the Create Note action.