
This section shows the Actions available in the Events workspace.

Top Tab

Field Description
Create Note When you select this action, Maconomy creates a note in the window Notes, and assigns it to the current event. The note created is assigned the same note type as the event type of the current event. You cannot enter information in the table part until a note has been assigned to the event.
Wrap Lines When you select this action, Maconomy wraps the text entered in the table part as described in the field “Value.” When you enter information in the window Events, Maconomy automatically wraps the text entered, but lines created using the import program Import Events are not wrapped unless you use this action. This also applies to event lines created in version 4.2 or earlier, as lines were not wrapped automatically in those versions. It is therefore possible to wrap these types of text lines by means of this action.
Start Timer When you select this action, Maconomy starts timing the time consumption in connection with the current event. The field “Timer Start” shows the time on which the timer was activated, and the timer stays activated until the action “Stop Timer” is selected. The timer can be activated and deactivated any number of times for each event.

As long as the timer is activated, the field “Elapsed Time” shows the time elapsed since the timing was started. When the timer is stopped, the elapsed time is added to the value in the field “Accumulated Time” which shows the total amount of time in which the timer has been activated for the current event.

Stop Timer When this action is selected, Maconomy stops timing the time consumption in connection with the current event. Maconomy blanks the field “Timer Start” and adds the elapsed time in the field “Elapsed Time” to the value in the field “Accumulated Time” which shows the total amount of time in which the timer has been activated for the current event.
Transfer to Time Sheet When you select this action, Maconomy transfers the time consumed on the event to a time sheet belonging to the employee specified on the event. Time can only be transferred if the window Time Sheets contains a time sheet belonging to the employee and covering the closing date of the event if the event has been closed, or today’s date if the event is still open.

Maconomy transfers the value in the field “Accumulated Time” to a new time sheet line with a job number, activity number, dimension values and task corresponding to the information specified in the event. The time consumption is registered on the closing date if the event has been closed and on today’s date if the event is still open.

Please note that since time is only transferred to one day on the time sheet, the maximum number of hours that can be transferred is 24. If the field “Accumulated Time” contains a greater number of hours, Maconomy will therefore show an error message when you use this action.

Create Secondary Events When you select this action, Maconomy creates secondary events for the current event if it gives rise to the creation of secondary events according to the event plan of the event flow to which the event is assigned. However, if the event is assigned to an event flow where the field “Include Only Closed Events” is marked, and the current event is still open, selecting this action will not result in any secondary events.

In the description of this action, the term “basis event” is used about the event currently shown in the window.

When the action is selected, Maconomy checks the current basis event to see if the event plan of the event flow to which the basis event is assigned contains one or several event templates where:

  • The condition number matches the event template number on which the basis event was based, and
  • The condition result matches the result specified in the field “Result” on the basis event in question.
  • No events have been created in the event flow in question based on the event template in question.

For a further description of the concepts of condition results and condition numbers, please see the description of the fields “Condition Result” and “Condition No.” in the table part of the window Event Plans.

In those cases where the above conditions are met, a secondary event is created. Maconomy copies the contact person and/or contact company from the basis event to each secondary event, while contact mode, event type, employee number, starting date and other information is copied from the event template which, in combination with the basis event, gave rise to the secondary event.

For an example illustrating how Maconomy finds out whether the event should cause secondary events, please see the description of the action “Create Secondary Events” in the window Campaigns.

Please note that since several event templates may have a condition result and condition number that match the same event, the result of one event may cause the creation of several secondary events.

For a further description of the concept of secondary events, please see the section “Introduction to the Contact Management Module” and the description of the window Event Plans.

Attach Document This action allows you to attach a document to the event.

Bottom Tab

Field Description
Import Text When you select this action, you can import a text file to the table part of the window. Maconomy will show a dialog prompting you for the location of the file.

The text in the file will be wrapped automatically, meaning that text exceeding the width of the text field in the table part will be wrapped and placed on separate lines. A line shift in the file will result in a blank line in the table.

Export Text When you select this action, Maconomy exports the text in the table part to a text file in which the wrapped text is reformatted so that consecutive table lines are concatenated into one text string, and blank table lines are converted to line shifts. Maconomy will show a dialog prompting you for a target the location for the file.