Employees Single Dialogs Workspace

Use this workspace to enter and maintain information about employees, including each employee's basic information (name, position, work hours, and so on) and the job cost and billing prices applied to the employee's labor.

This workspace is used for information about company employees. This includes basic personal information, as well as various employment information such as supervisor, secretary, salaries, and working hours. You can also specify cost and billing prices to be used in relation to job cost entries pertaining to the employee.

This workspace consists of the Employees tab, where you can maintain the information about the employee, and the Employee Revisions sub-tab, where you can create and maintain revisions of the employee information that is accurate in specific periods. These revisions are known as date-dependent employee revisions.

Date Dependent Employee Revisions

Using date dependent employee revisions, you can keep a history of employee information, so that you can always go back and review previous salaries, titles, working hours, and so on.

You can also set up revisions to this information to be applied on specific future dates (for example, if a person's billing price will go up on January 1 of the new year).

Each line in the Employee Revisions sub-tab represents an employee revision with a set of employee information applying to a specific period indicated using the From Date and To Date fields. The period may have an open starting and/or ending date. When you create a new employee, Maconomy automatically creates a revision on which the starting and ending date are both blank, indicating that this revision applies on all dates.

The employee revision applied on today’s date is called the current revision. In the sub-tab, the Is Current field is automatically marked on the line containing the current revision. Changing information in the Employees tab causes the information on the current revision to be updated accordingly, and vice versa. Changing the information in the tab (or the current revision in the sub-tab) does not cause a new revision to be created automatically. To keep track of changed employee data, you must create new revisions manually in the sub-tab.

Most of the information in each employee revision is for information only, and is not used in other areas of the system. For instance, the name displayed in the Employee Name field in a large number of workspaces is always taken from current revision of the employee, not from the revision applying to data such as the selected entry date. Therefore, unless otherwise specified in the field description of each employee related field in other workspaces, the information shown is retrieved from the current employee revision.

However, on time sheets (both daily and weekly), Maconomy uses the employee revision applying to each date covered by the time sheet to find the right week calendar and calculate fixed working hours.

Example: Hugo Rune's current employee revision

Hugo Rune specifies that his fixed working hours on Monday to Friday is eight hours a day. However, on Wednesday, November 7 2007, this changes to four hours a day. To ensure that this change is automatically reflected in his time sheets, you can create a new revision in the Employee Revisions sub-tab, specifying a starting date of November 7 2007, and entering four hours as the fixed working hours for Monday to Friday. When Hugo Rune creates a weekly time sheet for the week starting on November 5 2007, Maconomy uses eight hours for November 5 and 6, and four hours from the new revision for November 7 and future working days.

When calculating prices on entries in the Job Cost module, Maconomy may also retrieve pricing information from the following fields:

  • Cost
  • Intercompany Price
  • Billing Price
  • Standard Billing Price
  • Item No.

Maconomy uses the prices for these fields from the revision applying on the specified entry date.

Information about dimension values derived from the employee is not stored in employee revisions, as date dependent dimension derivation is set up in the Derived Dimensions workspace in the G/L module.

To add a new employee revision, add a line in the sub-tab. Information from the revision covering the previous period is automatically copied to the new revision so that you only need to change the information which differs from the current revision.

For each line, you must also specify the period in which the revision should be valid. The period is specified by entering the desired starting date of the period. Maconomy then automatically assigns an ending date in accordance with the nearest starting dates on the other lines in the sub-tab. If you enter a date which lies within the period covered by another line, the new line is assigned the ending date of the line whose period the current line overlaps, and the ending date of that line is changed accordingly.

If you delete a revision, the period of the revision above the deleted revision is prolonged, as it is assigned the ending date of the deleted line. If you delete the first revision, the following revision receives an open starting date.

The line with the latest starting date always has an open ending date, and the line with the earliest ending date always has an open starting date. This ensures that there is an employee revision applying to every date.