Employee Revisions Sub-Tab

The functionality of each field in the sub-tab of this workspace is similar to the one described for the corresponding field in the tab.

However, the fields in the island Derived Dimensions are not included in the sub-tab, as date-dependent dimension derivations are set up in the workspace “Derived Dimensions” in the G/L module. In the Minimum Hours, the value specified here only takes effect within the period specified on the Employee Revision line. In addition to the fields in the tab, the sub-tab contains the fields “From Date” and “To Date” whose functionality is described in the introduction to date-dependent employee revisions.

Field Description
From Date Copy to come.
To Date Copy to come.
Is Current Copy to come.
Change Description Copy to come.
Name 1 Copy to come.
Title Copy to come.
Name 2-5 Copy to come.
Phone Copy to come.
Social Security Number Copy to come.
Country Copy to come.
Blocked Copy to come.
Time Unit Copy to come.
Cost Copy to come.
Base Salary Rate Copy to come.
Overhead Rate Copy to come.
Overhead Rate as % Copy to come.
Overhead Maintenance Copy to come.
Intercompany Price Copy to come.
Billing Price Copy to come.
Item Number Copy to come.
Sales Employee Copy to come.
Account Manager Copy to come.
Zip Code Copy to come.
Postal District Copy to come.
Profession Copy to come.
Education Copy to come.
Position Copy to come.
Alternative Job Title Copy to come.
EEO Classification Copy to come.
Bank Account Number Copy to come.
Date Employed Copy to come.
Termination Date Copy to come.
Time Sheet Start Date Copy to come.
Time Sheet End Date Copy to come.
Check-in Select one of the following options to enable or disable multiple check-in entries for the employee:
  • Disabled — Select this option to disable multiple check-ins for the employee.
  • Optional — Select this option to enable multiple check-in entries per day. However, the employee is not required to submit check-in entries on any work day. When the employee submits the time sheet, Maconomy does not validate the check-in balance.
  • Required — If the work day has fixed hours, selecting this option requires the employee to register at least one check-in entry for the day.
  • Required To Match Or Exceed Time Sheet — Select this option to require the employee to enter checked-in time that is equal or greater than the registered work hours in the timesheet prior to submission.
  • Required To Match Time Sheet — Select this option to require the employee to enter checked-in time that is equal to the registered work hours in the timesheet prior to submission.
Base Salary, Code Copy to come.
Base Salary Copy to come.
Salary Supplement, Code Copy to come.
Salary Supplement Copy to come.
Overtime Rate, Code Copy to come.
Overtime Rate Copy to come.
Withholding Rate Copy to come.
Allowance per Month Copy to come.
Allowance per Fortnight Copy to come.
Allowance per Week Copy to come.
Allowance per Day Copy to come.
Tax Allowance Card Copy to come.
Tax Allowance Copy to come.
Pension Plan, Company Copy to come.
Pension Type, Company Copy to come.
Pension Amount, Company Copy to come.
Pension Plan, Personal Copy to come.
Pension Type, Personal Copy to come.
Pension Amount, Personal Copy to come.
Remarks 1-5 Copy to come.
Supervisor, Number Copy to come.
Maximum Working Time Copy to come.
Absence Hours per Day

Enter the maximum number of absence hours per day.

By default, the value in this field is zero.

You must enter a value other than zero if the time unit on an invoked vacation period has been or is Hours.

You must also enter a value other than zero if employees are to receive allowance in hours.

An error message displays if the functionality invokes this conversion value and the value is still zero.

If you change the value in this field, the current employee revision is also updated.

If you change the value in this field, a warning message displays stating that absence registrations using allowance already exist for the the period (employee revision), and changing the value may require allowance adjustment.

An error message displays if the value is set to a negative number or more than 24 hours.

Use Fixed Working Time as Maximum Copy to come.
Employee Type Copy to come.
Willing to Relocate Copy to come.
Employment Number Copy to come.
Subcontractor Vendor, Number Copy to come.
Department Copy to come.
Secretary, Number Copy to come.
Fixed Working Time (Monday-Sunday)

Enter the employee's working hours for each day.

If you change an existing working time, a warning message displays stating that absence registrations using allowance already exist for the period (employee revision), and changing the value may require allowance adjustment.

You cannot enter a value higher than the one specified in the Maximum Time field in the Job Cost island. The fields in the column correspond to the Working Time Monday to Working Time Sunday fields in the sub-tab. This column with the fixed working time for each weekday is in hours or days, depending on the time unit.

The functionality of this field is date-dependent. This means that for each date covered by a given time sheet, Maconomy looks up the value in this field in the employee revision covering the date in question, and applies this value to the date in question in the time sheet.

If the employee uses hours, the fixed hours of a given employee on a given day is determined by the hours specified here and in the week calendar which applies to the employee on the date in question, Maconomy using the lower number of hours.

You can specify a week calendar for each employee revision. The week calendar can either be specified directly in the Week Calendar No. field on the employee revision, or it can be the standard week calendar specified in the workspace System Parameters. Similar to the fields in this island, a week calendar contains a fixed number of working time for each day.

If you do not specify a week calendar in a given revision and you have not specified a week calendar in the workspace System Parameters, the fixed hours of the employee during the period of the revision in question will correspond to the hours specified in the fields “Working Time Monday”–”Working Time Sunday” in the revision (corresponding to the fields in the tab).

If the employee should, for example, work part-time for a period, you can therefore enter four hours for each working day in the revision covering the period in question, and let the employee use the standard week calendar. If the in the standard calendar are eight hours, the fixed hours of the part-time employee will still be four hours, as the hours in the employee revision are, in this case, lower than in the week calendar. However, holidays for which no working time has been specified in the standard week calendar will also apply to the part time employee as the number of hours in the week calendar in this case is lower than in the employee revision.

If the number of fixed hours is changed for a given employee, either by changing the information on an existing employee revision, by creating or deleting a revision or by editing the week calendar specified for the employee, it also affects time sheets pertaining to the period of the revision created, submitted, or approved after the change is made. In other words, the overtime calculation for an employee is also affected for past weeks when you change the employee’s number of fixed hours. For more information, please see the description of the action “Submit Time Sheet” in the workspace Time Sheets in the Job Cost module.

If you also complete the fields “Check-in,” “Check-out,” and “Absence” below, the amount of working time in this field must correspond with the work time interval less the specified absence. When these fields are completed, the calculated working time is transferred to this field automatically.

Minimum Working Time Copy to come.
Deviation Allowed Copy to come.
Week Calendar No.

Enter or select a week calendar to assign to the current employee.

The functionality of this field is date-dependent. This means that for each date covered by a given time sheet, Maconomy looks up the value in this field in the employee revision covering the date in question, and applies this value to the date in question in the time sheet.

Example: Two employee revisions exist for employee Hugo Rune. Revision 1 covers the period up to Tuesday November 6 2007. Revision 2 covers the period from Wednesday November 7 2007 and on. Revision 1 specifies week calendar W1 and Revision 2 specifies week calendar W2. When Hugo Rune creates a time sheet for the week starting Monday November 5, Maconomy uses the employee revisions to identify the week calendar to use for determining work hours, absence, and so on, on each of the days in this time sheet. As a result, week calendar W1 is used for November 5 and 6, and week calendar W2 is used for November 7, 8, and 9.

If no week calendar is specified for the employee on a given revision, the employee is assigned the standard week calendar specified by the Standard Week Calendar No. parameter in the System Setup workspace during the period covered by the revision. If you do not specify a week calendar in a given revision and you have not specified a week calendar in the system parameter, the fixed hours of the employee during the period of the revision in question corresponds to the hours specified in the Working Time Monday to Working Time Sunday fields in the revision. For a further description of this functionality, refer to the Working Time field below.

If a different week calendar is selected, a warning message displays stating that absence registrations using allowance already exist for the period (employee revision), and changing the value may require allowance adjustment.

For the current employee revision, the week calendar number in this field may be updated as a result of entering a week calendar on a line in the workspace Employee Positions in the Human Resources module. For further information on this, see the description of the Week Calendar No. field in the workspace Employee Positions.

Job Price Group Number Copy to come.
Popup 1-5 Copy to come.
Statistics 1-4 Copy to come.
Vendor Number Copy to come.
Primary Employee Category Number Copy to come.
Reduction % Copy to come.
Document Archive Number Copy to come.
E-mail Copy to come.
Personal Email Address Copy to come.
E-mail when responsible for approval Copy to come.
E-mail when responsible for invoice allocation Copy to come.
Standard Billing Price Copy to come.
Initials Copy to come.
Maiden Name Copy to come.
Name in Local Alphabet Copy to come.
Gender Copy to come.
Date of Birth Copy to come.
Mobile Copy to come.
Mobile 2 Copy to come.
Phone 2 Copy to come.
Notice Date Copy to come.
Retirement Date Copy to come.
Date 1-5 Copy to come.
Amount 1-5 Copy to come.
Option List 1-10 Copy to come.
Selected Value 1-10 Copy to come.
Text 1-5 Copy to come.
Real 1-5 Copy to come.
Boolean 1-5 Copy to come.
Absence Approver, Number Copy to come.
Fixed Number of Absence Hours, Monday-Sunday Copy to come.
Working Hours Range Copy to come.
Permitted Deviation, Work Hours Copy to come.
Checked in, Expected Time, Monday-Sunday Copy to come.
Checked out, Expected Time, Monday-Sunday Copy to come.
Mentor, Number Copy to come.
Substitute 1-5 Copy to come.
Exclude Overtime from Balance

Select this check box to enable the Exclude Overtime from Time Sheets functionality.

The time sheet header start date defines the employee revision that defines the Exclude Overtime state of the period (week or split week).

When this check box is selected, the system calculates time sheets using the following:

  • Regular time is calculated as Total Time minus Overtime.
  • Overtime is calculated as the sum of all time sheet lines that have a selected Overtime Spec. where the Include in Regular Time field is deselected.
  • Balance is calculated as Regular Time minus Fixed Time.
When this check box is deselected, the minimum and maximum time validations in overtime calculation uses the employee's total time for comparison during the period.
Must Use Time Sheets Copy to come.
Posting Reference, Commission Copy to come.
Posting Reference, Commission Offset Copy to come.
Transfer Location Copy to come.
Transfer Entity Copy to come.
Transfer Project Copy to come.
Transfer Specification 1 Copy to come.
Description Copy to come.
Selected Value Copy to come.
Dimension Combination Number Copy to come.
Dimension Combination, Description Copy to come.
Account Number Copy to come.
Account Name Copy to come.
Overwrite Account Copy to come.
Local Account Number Copy to come.
Local Account, Description Copy to come.
Overwrite Local Account Copy to come.
Location Copy to come.
Location, Description Copy to come.
Overwrite Location Copy to come.
Entity Copy to come.
Entity, Description Copy to come.
Overwrite Entity Copy to come.
Project Copy to come.
Project, Description Copy to come.
Overwrite Project Copy to come.
Specification 1 Copy to come.
Specification 1, Description Copy to come.
Overwrite Specification 1 Copy to come.