Employees Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Employees tab.

Employee Island

Field Description
Employee No. Enter the number of the new employee. Maconomy verifies that the number does not already exist. The number is the sole and absolute identification of the employee. To retrieve existing employees, you can use the search functions in the Find menu.
Formal First Name

Use this field to enter the person's formal first name. The field is only available if formal names are enabled, in which case it is mandatory.

If formal names are enabled, Maconomy will keep the preferred name in sync with the formal name until the preferred name is changed manually.

Formal Middle Name Use this field to enter the person's formal middle name. The field is only available if formal names are enabled.
Formal Last Name

Use this field to enter the person's formal last name.

The field is only available if formal names are enabled, in which case it is mandatory.

Preferred First Name

Use this field to enter the person's preferred first name. The field is only available if F/M/L names are enabled, in which case it is mandatory.

If formal names are enabled, Maconomy will keep the preferred name in sync with the formal name until the preferred name is changed manually.

Preferred Middle Name

Use this field to enter the person's preferred middle name. The field is only available if F/M/L names are enabled.

If formal names are enabled, Maconomy will keep the preferred name in sync with the formal name until the preferred name is changed manually.

Preferred Last Name

se this field to enter the person's preferred last name.

The field is only available if F/M/L names are enabled, in which case it is mandatory. If formal names are enabled, Maconomy will keep the preferred name in sync with the formal name until the preferred name is changed manually.

Initials In this field, you can specify the initials by which the employee is known in your company. Maconomy checks that the initials are not used by other employees in the system.
Maiden Name Use this field to enter the person's maiden name.
Name in Local Alphabet Use this field to enter the person's name in their local alphabet.
Gender In this field, you can specify the gender of the employee. The field is for reference only.
Date of Birth In this field, you can specify the employee’s date of birth.
Age This field shows the age of the current employee, calculated on the basis of the date of birth specified above.
Soc. Security No. Enter the employee’s social security number. This field is for reference only. If you have entered social security number validation rules for the employee’s country in the workspace Rules of Validation in the Set-Up module, Maconomy will verify that the social security number complies with these validation rules.
Sales Employee In this field, you can mark the employee as sales employee. You can only create commission agreements (in the workspace Employee Commission Agreements) for sales employees, and only sales employees can be entered in the “Sales Rep. No.” fields in other workspaces in Maconomy.
Account Manager In this field, you can mark the employee as account manager.
Profession Enter the employee’s profession. This is for reference only.
Education Enter the employee’s education. This is for reference only.
Department Here you can enter to which department the employee belongs. If you have marked the field “Department from Employee” in the workspace System Information, Maconomy uses the department to select posting references from the workspace Activities when posting time activity entries in the Job Cost module. This makes it possible to post income and costs of time activities to two different departments.

Departments are created in the workspace Posting References in the G/L module.

Primary Category In this field, you can assign the employee in question to a primary employee category to be used for planning of the employee’s time in the resource planning module. See also the description of the workspace Employee Categories.
Employee Type Here you can select the employee type. Employee types are created in the workspace Popup Fields.
Willing to Relocate Use this field to note if the employee is willing to relocate.
Transfer To People Planner If this field is marked, the employee will be included in the scheduled import to People Planner. Setting the Transfer To People Planner field will only have an effect if the field is included in the relevant queries in the .I files on the web server.

Employment Island

Field Description
Position Enter the employee's position. This is for reference only.
Alternative Job Title Use this field to register a job title with a different classification level than Position field. The field corresponds to a similar field in Talent Management.
EEO Classification Use this field for equal employment opportunity tracking. The field corresponds to a similar field in Talent Management.
Date Employed Enter the date when the employee started working for you. This is for reference only.
Termination Date Enter the date the employment was terminated. The date is used in connection with time sheets entered in the Job Cost module, where Maconomy verifies that the employee is actually employed in the period covered by the time sheets.
Time Sheet Start Date Use this field to enter the date the employee starts using timesheets. Maconomy automatically keeps the field synchronized with the Date Employedfield unless you manually enter a different value.
Time Sheet End Date Use this field to enter the date the employee stops using timesheets. Maconomy automatically keeps the field synchronized with the Termination Date field unless you manually enter a different value.
Blocked If you mark this field, the employee is blocked. This means the employee cannot be used in any other workspaces in the Job Cost module or as sales representative in a sales order, credit order, invoice, or credit memo.
Permanently Blocked Select this check box to permanently block the employee record from modification.

When you select this check box, a warning message displays stating you can no longer make changes to the employee record.

Notice Date If the employee has been terminated or has resigned, you can enter the date on which the employee was given or gave notice in this field.
Retirement Date In this field, you can specify the date on which the employee has retired or is expected to retire. If you specify a date in this field, Maconomy automatically calculates the employee’s retirement age in the field below on the basis of the employee’s birthday and the retirement date. If you specify a retirement age manually, the retirement date is calculated as the day on which the employee reaches the specified retirement age.
Retirement Age In this field, you can specify the age at which the employee has retired or is expected to retire. If you specify an age in this field, Maconomy automatically calculates the retirement date in the field above. The retirement date is calculated as the day on which the employee reaches the age specified in this field. If you specify a retirement date manually, the retirement age is calculated on the basis of the employee’s birthday and the retirement date.
Length of Service Date Select the date the person was employed to determine the length of service.
Length of Service This field displays the number of years the person is employed. This field is automatically computed based on the date entered in the Length of Service Date field.
Previous Employee No. Use this field to add an employee number from a previous position. Maconomy issues a warning if you enter the number of an existing employee.

Address island

Field Description
Title Use this field to enter a personal title (for example, Mr., Ms., Dr.) for the person. Maconomy suggests values for the option list 'Personal Titles' but it is possible to enter any value.
Country Copy to come.

Contact Information Island

Field Description
Phone In this field, you can specify the primary phone number of the current employee. The field is for reference only.
Phone 2 In this field, you can specify the secondary phone number of the current employee. The field is for reference only.
Private Phone In this field, you can enter the employees personal phone number.
Mobile In this field, you can specify the primary mobile phone number of the current employee. The field is for reference only.
Mobile 2 In this field, you can specify the secondary mobile phone number of the current employee. The field is for reference only.
E-mail In this field, you can specify the e-mail address of the employee. The field is for reference only.
Personal E-mail Use this field to enter the contact person's personal e-mail address.

Related Employees Island

Field Description
Supervisor Here you can enter the number of a senior employee. You can enter an employee number for a user in the workspace Users to establish a connection between users and employees. Unless the user has been given access to all time sheets in the workspace Actions, the user will only have access to changing, creating and printing his or her own time sheets and those of junior employees. Furthermore, the user can only approve time sheets for junior employees. This field also shows the name of the supervisor. You cannot change it here.

If the supervisor has left/is leaving the company before the employee, Maconomy issues an alert.

Secretary In this field you can enter the number of a secretary to whom an employee has been assigned. Among the tasks of a secretary can be entering the employee’s time sheets and transferring them for further editing in the workspace Job Journal.

In the workspace Users, it is possible to enter the employee number of a user by which you create a link between users and employees. Unless the user has been granted access to all time sheets in the workspace Actions, he only has access to editing, creating, and printing out his own and junior employees’ time sheets.

This field also shows the name of the secretary. The name cannot be changed here.

Mentor In this field you can enter the number of a mentor assigned to the employee, for instance to help training the employee. The mentor assigned in this field is automatically granted read-only access to the time and expense sheets of the employee in question.

This field also shows the name of the mentor. The name cannot be changed here.

Absence Approver In this field, you can specify the number of the employee responsible for approving absence for the current employee.

The specified employee will then be able to submit, approve, reject and reopen absence for the current employee using the actions in the workspaces Employee Absence Calendars, Absence Calendar Lines, and Employee Calendars in the Resource Planning module. Furthermore, the secretary of the specified employee will be able to submit absence for the current employee.

If the system parameter “Approval of Absence” has not been marked, the field has no effect.

This field shows the name of the absence approver. The name cannot be changed here.

Substitutes Island

Field Description
Substitute 1–5 These fields can be used to support the handling of substitute approvals for the absence management module. Each line will show the substitute approver as determined in the “Substitute” fields in the tab of the workspace.

Outlay Settlement Island

Field Description
Vendor In this field, you can specify the number of a vendor, thus associating the employee with a vendor in the A/P module. This way, outlay reimbursements to a given employee can be handled through the A/P module. In the workspace Activities in the Job Cost module, you can mark the field “Settle Through Vendor” if outlays made by an employee in connection with a given activity should be reimbursed through a vendor. The reimbursement will then take place through the vendor specified in this field for the employee in question. This field also shows the name of the specified vendor.

Fixed Working Time Island

Field Description
Week Calendar No.

Enter or select a week calendar to assign to the current employee.

The functionality of this field is date-dependent. This means that for each date covered by a given time sheet, Maconomy looks up the value in this field in the employee revision covering the date in question, and applies this value to the date in question in the time sheet.

Example: Two employee revisions exist for employee Hugo Rune. Revision 1 covers the period up to Tuesday November 6 2007. Revision 2 covers the period from Wednesday November 7 2007 and on. Revision 1 specifies week calendar W1 and Revision 2 specifies week calendar W2. When Hugo Rune creates a time sheet for the week starting Monday November 5, Maconomy uses the employee revisions to identify the week calendar to use for determining work hours, absence, and so on, on each of the days in this time sheet. As a result, week calendar W1 is used for November 5 and 6, and week calendar W2 is used for November 7, 8, and 9.

If no week calendar is specified for the employee on a given revision, the employee is assigned the standard week calendar specified by the Standard Week Calendar No. parameter in the System Setup workspace during the period covered by the revision. If you do not specify a week calendar in a given revision and you have not specified a week calendar in the system parameter, the fixed hours of the employee during the period of the revision in question corresponds to the hours specified in the Working Time Monday to Working Time Sunday fields in the revision. For a further description of this functionality, refer to the Working Time field below.

If a different week calendar is selected, a warning message displays stating that absence registrations using allowance already exist for the period (employee revision), and changing the value may require allowance adjustment.

For the current employee revision, the week calendar number in this field may be updated as a result of entering a week calendar on a line in the workspace Employee Positions in the Human Resources module. For further information on this, see the description of the Week Calendar No. field in the workspace Employee Positions.

Working Time (Monday - Friday)

Enter the employee's working hours for each day.

If you change an existing working time, a warning message displays stating that absence registrations using allowance already exist for the period (employee revision), and changing the value may require allowance adjustment.

You cannot enter a value higher than the one specified in the Maximum Time field in the Job Cost island. The fields in the column correspond to the Working Time Monday to Working Time Sunday fields in the sub-tab. This column with the fixed working time for each weekday is in hours or days, depending on the time unit.

The functionality of this field is date-dependent. This means that for each date covered by a given time sheet, Maconomy looks up the value in this field in the employee revision covering the date in question, and applies this value to the date in question in the time sheet.

If the employee uses hours, the fixed hours of a given employee on a given day is determined by the hours specified here and in the week calendar which applies to the employee on the date in question, Maconomy using the lower number of hours.

You can specify a week calendar for each employee revision. The week calendar can either be specified directly in the Week Calendar No. field on the employee revision, or it can be the standard week calendar specified in the workspace System Parameters. Similar to the fields in this island, a week calendar contains a fixed number of working time for each day.

If you do not specify a week calendar in a given revision and you have not specified a week calendar in the workspace System Parameters, the fixed hours of the employee during the period of the revision in question will correspond to the hours specified in the fields “Working Time Monday”–”Working Time Sunday” in the revision (corresponding to the fields in the tab).

If the employee should, for example, work part-time for a period, you can therefore enter four hours for each working day in the revision covering the period in question, and let the employee use the standard week calendar. If the in the standard calendar are eight hours, the fixed hours of the part-time employee will still be four hours, as the hours in the employee revision are, in this case, lower than in the week calendar. However, holidays for which no working time has been specified in the standard week calendar will also apply to the part time employee as the number of hours in the week calendar in this case is lower than in the employee revision.

If the number of fixed hours is changed for a given employee, either by changing the information on an existing employee revision, by creating or deleting a revision or by editing the week calendar specified for the employee, it also affects time sheets pertaining to the period of the revision created, submitted, or approved after the change is made. In other words, the overtime calculation for an employee is also affected for past weeks when you change the employee’s number of fixed hours. For more information, please see the description of the action “Submit Time Sheet” in the workspace Time Sheets in the Job Cost module.

If you also complete the fields “Check-in,” “Check-out,” and “Absence” below, the amount of working time in this field must correspond with the work time interval less the specified absence. When these fields are completed, the calculated working time is transferred to this field automatically.

Check in In the fields in this column, you can enter the time when the current employee is expected to check in for work. As for working hours, this information can be specified in the week calendar as well, and the same rules apply: in case of differences between the week calendar and the information in this workspace, the shorter working time amount prevails. This column cannot be used with employees with Time Unit "Day".

The check-in, check-out, and absence may be used in the workspace Time Sheets as a help to ensure that all actual work hours are registered, and that overtime or flex hours are registered correctly as such. For more information, see the description of the field “Registration.”

The functionality of the fields in this column is date-dependent. This means that for each date covered by a time sheet, Maconomy looks up the value in this field in the employee revision covering the date in question, and applies this value to the date in question in the time sheet.

Maconomy tries to assist you in the entry of times in the fields in this island. The fields “Working Time,” “Check-in,” “Check-out,” and “Absence” are all interdependent in the following ways:


  • Check-in, check-out, or absence have been changed,
  • and Working Hours has not been changed,
  • and check-in and check-out have been completed,

then the field “Working Time” is calculated as check-out time less check-in time less absence and completed.


  • Check-out has not been completed,
  • and check-in or absence or Working Time have been changed,
  • and check-in has been completed,

then the field “Check-out” is calculated as check-in time plus working time and absence and completed.


  • Check-in has not been completed,
  • and check-out or absence or Working Hours have been changed,
  • and check-out has been completed,

then the field “Check-in” is calculated as check-out time less Working Hours less absence and completed.

The table below gives examples of the short form of entries and the results when you press Tab or Enter. Note that if you specify a work time interval, you cannot change the field “Working Time” manually.

Check-In Result Check-Out Result Absence Hours
7 07:00:00 16 16:00:00 0.5 8.5
0830 08:30:00 1615 16:15:00 0.5 7.3
22 22:00:00 5 05:00:00 1 6.0

Note also (line 3 in the table above) that it is possible to specify an interval which spans midnight. In this case, the working time is considered to belong to the date on which work was begun.

Check out The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Check-in” above.
Absence In this field, you can enter how many hours the current employee is expected to be absent for each day in the week. For instance, a half-hour lunch break can be specified as regular absence. Thus, a regular working day of 7.5 hours can be entered like this: Check-in: 9:00; Check-out: 17:00; Absence: 0.5. Result: 7.5 working time, which is transferred to the field “Working Time.”

The functionality of this field is date-dependent. This means that for each date covered by a time sheet, Maconomy looks up the value in this field in the employee revision covering the date in question, and applies this value to the date in question in the time sheet. This column cannot be used for employees with Time Unit "Day".

Dimension Combination Island

Field Description
Dim. Comb. No. In this field, you can enter the number of a dimension combination of the type “Dimension Derivation” created in the workspace Dimension Combinations.

If you specify a dimension combination, Maconomy will use the values in this dimension combination when deriving dimensions from the current employee. However, any dimension derivation values specified in this island will be used instead of those specified for the same dimensions in the dimension combination. This means that the dimension combination only applies to the dimensions for which no value has been entered on the employee information card.

The functionality on period specific sets of derived dimension values in the workspace Derived Dimensions, which is described in the field “Account” below, also applies to this field.

Commission Island

Field Description
Posting Reference In this field, you enter the number of a dimension combination that contains the G/L account to be used when posting general journals from commission calculations in the Commission Calculation workspace in the Sales Orders module. The dimension combination can also contain other dimension values to be used in this connection. When these general journals are posted, the employee’s commission amount is debited this account and the other dimension values in this dimension combination.

This field should only be filled in if the employee is a sales representative.

Posting Reference, Offset In this field, you enter the number of a dimension combination that contains the G/L account to be used when posting general journals from commission calculations in the Commission Calculation workspace in the Sales Orders module. The dimension combination can also contain other dimension values to be used in this connection. When these general journals are posted, the employee’s commission amount is credited this account and the other dimension values in this dimension combination.

This field should only be filled in if the employee is a sales representative.

Derived Account Island

Field Description
Account In this field, you can enter a value for the dimension Account if you want a value to be derived from the current employee. If you also want the specified value to overwrite existing values for the dimension, complete the field “Overwrite.” If you do not choose overwriting, the dimension value will only be derived if the dimension field for which derivation is taking place has neither been completed manually nor by entering a registration code.

Even if you have specified a dimension combination in the field “Dim. Comb. No.” above, a value entered in this field will be used rather than the value (if any) found for this dimension in the dimension combination in question. This means that the dimension combination only applies to this dimension if you have not entered a value in this field.

Please note that if a dimension combination has been specified in the field “Dim. Comb. No.,” a mark in the field “Overwrite” will only have effect if you have also entered a dimension value. If you mark the field “Overwrite” but you do not enter a dimension value in this field, the “Overwrite” field is ignored, as dimension values and overwriting specification are always retrieved together from the same dimension derivation island, dimension combination or dimension combination line.

In the workspace Derived Dimensions, you can create period specific sets of derived dimensions if the dimension values to be derived from the current employee should vary, depending on the entry date of the registrations to which dimension values are derived from the current employee. In this context, the value in this field is always reflected in the corresponding field on the dimension derivation line that has a blank ending date, and changing the dimension values in this field will cause the corresponding information on that dimension derivation line to be updated accordingly, and vice-versa.

When you create an employee, Maconomy automatically creates a line in the workspace Derived Dimensions with the information specified in this island, and a blank starting and ending date, indicating that this line applies on all registrations regardless of entry date. In effect, as long as you do not need the dimension values derived from the employee to change on a given date, you only need to enter dimension derivation information in this island.

Please note, however, that if you have added period specific set of derived dimensions in the workspace Derived Dimensions, the dimension derivation line that has a blank ending date is not necessarily the dimension derivation line valid on today’s date. You should therefore be aware that if period specific sets of derived dimensions have been created for the employee, the dimension values derived from the current employee are not necessarily those appearing in this island.

See the section on dimension derivation in the chapter “Introduction to the G/L Module” as well as the description of the workspaces Dimension Derivation and Dimension Combinations in the G/L module for further information about dimension derivation. For information on period specific sets of derived dimensions, see the workspace Derived Dimensions in the G/L module.

Local Account Copy to come.

Derived Dimensions Island

Field Description
Location The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Account” above.
Entity The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Account” above.
Project The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Account” above.
Purpose The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Account” above.
Spec. 2-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Account” above.
Local Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Account” above.

Tax Island

Field Description
Withholding Rate Enter the employee’s withholding rate. This field is for reference only.
Allowance per Month Enter the employee’s monthly tax allowance, if applicable. The amount is entered in the base currency of the company specified in the field “Company No.” This field is for reference only.
Allowance per Fortnight Enter the employee’s fortnightly tax allowance, if applicable. This field is for reference only. The amount is entered in the base currency of the company specified in the field “Company No.”
Allowance per Week Enter the employee’s weekly tax allowance, if applicable. This field is for reference only. The amount is entered in the base currency of the company specified in the field “Company No.”
Allowance per Day Enter the employee’s daily tax allowance, if applicable. This field is for reference only. The amount is entered in the base currency of the company specified in the field “Company No.”
Tax Allowance Card You can mark this field if the employee has a valid tax allowance card. This field is for reference only.
Tax Allowance Here you can enter the employee’s total tax allowance. This field is for reference only. The amount is entered in the base currency of the company specified in the field “Company No.”

Planning Time Island

Field Description
Reduction % In this field, you can enter a reduction percentage of the employee’s available time, “planning time,” as part of the fixed amount of working time. This percentage specifies that the employee in question will not be at the company’s disposal when planning tasks in the workspace Detailed Planning in the Resource Planning module. This might, for example, be the case if an employee often has to take on urgent matters, attend weekly recurring meetings, and so on. In such cases, it might be a disadvantage to make plans for the employee’s entire available time.

An employee’s planning time for a given date is calculated as the registered for the day in question divided by the percentage specified in this field. If the value in this field is for example 25% and the fixed working time in a week is 40 hours, the planning time for this week will be 40 (25% of 40) = 40 – 10 = 30. See the description of the workspace Detailed Planning in the resource planning module for more information about employees’ planning time.

User Island

See the Getting Started topic for a description of the fields in the island User.

Company Island

Field Description
Company In this field, you can specify the number of the company in which the employee is employed. This field shows the name of the specified company.
Base Currency This field shows the base currency used in the company specified in the field “Company No.” above. Amounts entered in the island Price Information should be entered in this currency. If you do not enter a currency, Maconomy will automatically use the enterprise currency of the system.

Personnel Requisition Island

Field Description
Requisition If the current employee was created on the basis of a contact person associated with a personnel requisition, for instance because he or she was created as a contact person as a result of applying for a position on a personnel requisition, this field shows the number of the requisition in question.

When an employee is created from a contact person associated with a personnel requisition, certain information is transferred from the specified requisition to the new employee. This information includes the requisition number, supervisor, and derived dimensions.

This field shows a description of the requisition.

Creation Island

Field Description
Template Empl. If you enter the number of an existing employee here, information from this employee will be copied when you create an employee. Fields where you have already entered a value are not overwritten. The employee name and number appear.
Linking Rule Use this field to enter a linking rule that describes the linking from the template employee to the new employee. If no value is entered, the standard linking rule will be inserted. It is mandatory to have a linking rule if you have entered a template employee.

Create User Island

Field Description
Copy Users From Template Select this field when creating a new employee to copy the user from the template employee to the new employee.
Create User Select this field when creating a new employee to create a user attached to the employee. The field is only open when you create a new employee.
User Type When Create User is selected, you can user this field to select a user type for the new employee.
User Name Use this field to enter a user name for the new user. If you do not enter a name, the system will generate the name according to setup of user type.
Validity Period In this field you can enter the new user's validity period.

Access Level Island

Field Description
Access Level In this field, you can specify the name of an access level. You only have access to the current employee if you have been assigned to the same of a higher level in the workspace User Access Levels. This means that you can only specify employees (for example, on a job budget line) to which you have access. Furthermore, a given user can only see the employee card for employees to which the user has access. Please note that this access control model only applies if the standard access control configuration has not been changed in your Maconomy system. If it has, the access to employees may depend on other factors. For more information about this, please see the section “Introduction to the Access Control System.”

If no access level is specified, all users have access to the current employee.

This field shows the description of the selected access level, as entered in the workspace Access Levels.

Bank Island

Field Description
Bank Name Here you can enter the name of the employee’s bank. This field is for reference only.
Reg. No. Here you can enter the registration number of the employee’s bank. This field is for reference only.
Account No. Here you can enter the employee’s bank account number. This field is for reference only.

Vendor Island

Field Description
Last Approval List This field shows the number of the last approval list printed out in the A/P module, on which the current employee has been specified as responsible.

Job Cost Island

Field Description
Time Unit Use this field to specify the unit of time for the employee, as either Hour or Day. This field affects the interpretation of every field that represents time on the employee and will also be the Time Unit on new time sheets created by (or for) the employee in the period covered by the current employee revision.
Base Salary Rate This is the base salary rate for the employee. If you change this field, Maconomy will update the Cost with the sum of this field and the overhead rate. The base salary rate is per hour or day, depending on the Time Unit.
Overhead Rate This is the overhead cost rate allocated to the employee. If you change this field, Maconomy will update the Cost with the sum of this field and the base salary rate. The overhead rate is per hour or day, depending on the Time Unit.
Overhead Rate % Copy to come.
Overheard Rate as & Copy to come.
Cost In this field, you can enter the employee’s cost per hour or day (depending on Time Unit). This cost is suggested in job budgeting and job journals in the Job Cost module. However, the calculation of cost prices may also depend on other factors.

Enter the amount in the base currency of the company specified in the field “Company No.” If you leave the field blank, Maconomy will use the cost of the item in the field “Item No.” If you leave both fields blank, the cost for time activities for this employee is considered to be zero.

The functionality of this field is date-dependent. This means that when creating job entries pertaining to the current employee, Maconomy looks up the value in this field in the employee revision covering the entry date in question, and applies the cost found in that revision.

Intercompany Price In this field, you can enter a price to be used as the cost when the employee registers hours on a job assigned to another company than the one in which the employee is employed. However, the calculation of cost prices may also depend on other factors, as described in “Appendix A: Price Calculation in the Job Cost Module.” Enter the amount in the base currency of the company specified in the field “Company No.” The intercompany price is per hour or day, depending on the Time Unit.
Billing Price Enter the billing price per hour for entries registered by the current employee. This billing price is suggested in job budgeting and job journals in the Job Cost module if you have specified in the field “Hourly Rate” in the workspace System Information that hourly costs are determined by employee. If it is not, Maconomy alerts you if you enter a price here anyway. However, the calculation of billing prices may also depend on other factors. The billing price is per hour or day, depending on the Time Unit.

If you do not enter a price here and hourly costs are by employee, Maconomy will use the billing price of the item in the field “Item No.” (see below). If both fields are blank, the billing price for time activities for this employee is considered to be zero.

Enter the amount in the base currency of the company specified in the field “Company No.”

The functionality of this field is date-dependent. This means that when creating job entries pertaining to the current employee, Maconomy looks up the value in this field in the employee revision covering the entry date in question, and applies the billing price found in that revision.

Standard Billing Price In this field, you can enter the standard billing price per hour for entries registered by the current employee. The standard billing price will be used if the system parameter “Use standard billing price for time activities” is marked, otherwise the standard billing price is set to equal the registered billing price. However, the calculation of standard billing prices may also depend on other factors, as described in “Appendix A: Price Calculation in the Job Cost Module.” The standard billing price is per hour or day, depending on the Time Unit.

A standard billing price can be used as a measuring point for performance analyses in which you compare the actual, registered billing price with the standard billing price. In this way, the standard billing price acts as a target price which should be achieved for this activity. The standard billing price is derived in the same way as the regular billing price, except that the item price list system is not used.

The functionality of this field is date-dependent. This means that when creating job entries pertaining to the current employee, Maconomy looks up the value in this field in the employee revision covering the entry date in question, and applies the standard billing price found in that revision.

Item No. Here you can enter a warehouse item, from which the sales price and cost will be suggested in budgeting, and which will be used in job journal entries for this employee. You can use such an item price to simplify the assignment of billing prices for billable hours. Rather than entering a billing price for each individual employee, you need only create a warehouse item that can be assigned to one or more employees. Different levels of billing rates can be set up as separate items.

An item number in this field will not be used if you enter price in the field “Cost,” and if you either enter a price in the field “Billing Price” or mark in the workspace System Information that hourly costs are to be determined by activity. Maconomy will alert you if this is the case.

Maconomy verifies that the item you enter here exists in the system and is not discontinued.

The functionality of this field is date-dependent. This means that when creating job entries pertaining to the current employee, Maconomy looks up the value in this field in the employee revision covering the entry date in question, and applies the item number found in that revision.

Job Price Group No. In this field you can assign the current employee to a job price group. When you refer to this job price group on a line in a job price list, the price on that price list line is used on job entries where
  • The current employee is specified.
  • The job which the entry concerns uses the job price list in question.
  • The information in the job entry also matches any other selection criteria on the job price list line.

For further information about job price groups, please see the description of the workspace Job Price Groups in the Job Cost module.

The functionality of this field is date-dependent. This means that when creating job entries pertaining to the current employee, Maconomy looks up the value in this field in the employee revision covering the entry date in question, and applies the job price group found in that revision.

Time Registration Island

Field Description
Maximum Working Time Here you can enter the maximum number of time per day that can be entered for the employee in the workspace Time Sheets in the Job Cost module. This field is per hour or day, depending on the Time Unit.

The functionality of this field is date-dependent. This means that for each date covered by a time sheet, Maconomy looks up the value in this field in the employee revision covering the date in question, and applies this value to the date in question in the time sheet.

Use Fixed Working Time as Maximum Copy to come.
Minimum Working Time In this field, you can specify whether a minimum amount of working time is to be calculated for the employee. If you mark the field, a minimum amount of working time is calculated for each week day. The minimum number of time corresponds to the fixed time less the number specified in the field “Deviation Allowed.” When the employee submits a time sheet, Maconomy checks if the minimum number of time has been registered. If not, the time sheet cannot be submitted. For a further description of fixed working time, please see the description of the fields in the island Fixed Working Time and the workspace Week Calendars. This field is per hour or day, depending on the Time Unit.

The functionality of this field is date-dependent. This means that for each date covered by a time sheet, Maconomy looks up the value in this field in the employee revision covering the date in question, and applies this value to the date in question in the time sheet.

Deviation Allowed If you have marked the field “Minimum Hours,” you can specify a number of hours in this field. Along with the fixed working time, the amount in this field is used for calculating the minimum amount of time which the employee must specify for each day in a time sheet. The minimum number of hours is calculated as the fixed working time less the number in this field. When the employee submits a time sheet, Maconomy checks if the minimum number of hours has been registered for each day. If not, the time sheet cannot be submitted. For a further description of this, please see the description of the fields in the island and the workspace Week Calendars.

The functionality of this field is date-dependent. This means that for each date covered by a time sheet, Maconomy looks up the value in this field in the employee revision covering the date in question, and applies this value to the date in question in the time sheet.

Exclude Overtime from Balance

Select this check box to enable the Exclude Overtime functionality.

The time sheet header start date defines the employee revision that defines the Exclude Overtime state of the period (week or split week).

When this check box is selected, the system calculates time sheets using the following:

  • Regular time is calculated as Total Time minus Overtime.
  • Overtime is calculated as the sum of all time sheet lines that have a selected Overtime Spec. where the Include in Regular Time field is deselected.
  • Balance is calculated as Regular Time minus Fixed Time.

When this check box is deselected, the minimum and maximum time validations in overtime calculation uses the employee's total time for comparison during the period.

Must Use Time Sheets If this field is marked, the current employee is forced to create time sheets. The usual time sheet workflows apply with regard to submission and approval and so on, and the time sheets will appear in reports such as Print Time Sheet Overview. In the Portal, the Time Sheet Status component will color code the weeks for which no time sheet has been created, thus prompting for the creation of a time sheet. This is standard Maconomy behavior.

If the field is not marked, the employee is not forced to create time sheets. If he does so anyway, the usual time sheet workflow applies, and they will appear in reports. In the Portal, the Time Sheet Status component will not color code the weeks for which no time sheet has been created.

The functionality of this field is date-dependent. This means that for each date, Maconomy looks up the value in this field in the employee revision covering the date in question, and applies this value to the date in question to determine whether a time sheet must be created.
  • Regular time is calculated as Total Time minus Overtime.
  • Overtime is calculated as the sum of all time sheet lines that have a selected Overtime Spec. where the Include in Regular Time field is deselected.
  • Balance is calculated as Regular Time minus Fixed Time.
When this check box is deselected, the minimum and maximum time validations in overtime calculation uses the employee's total time for comparison during the period.
Absence Hours per Day

Enter the maximum number of absence hours per day.

By default, the value in this field is zero.

You must enter a value other than zero if the time unit on an invoked vacation period has been or is Hours.

You must also enter a value other than zero if employees are to receive allowance in hours.

An error message displays if the functionality invokes this conversion value and the value is still zero.

If you change the value in this field, the current employee revision is also updated.

If you change the value in this field, a warning message displays stating that absence registrations using allowance already exist for the the period (employee revision), and changing the value may require allowance adjustment.

An error message displays if the value is set to a negative number or more than 24 hours.

Check-in Island

Field Description
Check-in Select one of the following options to enable or disable multiple check-in entries for the employee:
  • Disabled — Select this option to disable multiple check-ins for the employee.
  • Optional — Select this option to enable multiple check-in entries per day. However, the employee is not required to submit check-in entries on any work day. When the employee submits the time sheet, Maconomy does not validate the check-in balance.
  • Required — If the work day has fixed hours, selecting this option requires the employee to register at least one check-in entry for the day.
  • Required To Match Or Exceed Time Sheet — Select this option to require the employee to enter checked-in time that is equal or greater than the registered work hours in the timesheet prior to submission.
  • Required To Match Time Sheet — Select this option to require the employee to enter checked-in time that is equal to the registered work hours in the timesheet prior to submission.

Check-in/out Time Entry Island

Field Description
Registration In this field you can specify if the current employee should be required to specify actual check-in and check-out times as well as absence on his or her time sheet.

In the time sheet, the employee can enter the time of his or her check-in (coming) and check-out (leaving). Furthermore, any extraordinary absence can be registered, such as, for example, private appointments. These times are used to calculate the actual working time for each day in the time sheet. The actual working time is compared with the hours registered on tasks in the sub-tab of the time sheet. In case of differences, Maconomy can prompt the user for corrective entries or additional registrations. Furthermore, in case of a deviation between the expected working time (defined in this workspace or in the week calendar) and the actual working time as calculated in the time sheet, Maconomy may require the user to enter a value in a pop-up field, for example, to specify if the difference should count as overtime or flextime. The options for this pop-up field are entered in the pop-up “Time Sheet Popup 1” in the workspace Popup Fields.

This way, the check-in, check-out, and absence times may be used in the workspace Time Sheets as a help to ensure that all actual work hours are registered, and that overtime or flextime is registered correctly as such.

The field can have one of three values:

  • Optional — If this value is selected, the employee may register actual check-in and check-out times and absence (work time intervals) in the time sheet.
  • Mandatory — If this value is selected, the employee is required to register actual work time intervals in the time sheet before the time sheet can be submitted.
  • At Overtime — If this value is selected, the employee is required to register actual work time intervals in the time sheet if the sub-tab entries amount to more hours than the employee’s.
  • Not Allowed — For employees with Time Unit "Day," the value "Not Allowed" must be selected.
Deviation Allowed The allowed deviation specified in this field refers to the maximum permitted difference between actual working hours and the number of registered hours. The difference is shown in the field “Balance” in the time sheet. This field cannot be completed for employees with Time Unit "Day."

If registration of actual work hours intervals is required (“Mandatory” is selected in the field “Registration” above), it will only be possible to submit a time sheet if the balance is zero. In order to allow for a small balance, you can set this field to, for example, a half-hour.

Furthermore, it will be possible to configure Maconomy to require the employee to enter actual work time intervals, but still submit time sheets even though the balance is different from zero: Set the field “Registration” above to “Mandatory,” and set the allowed deviation for the employee to a high value, for example, 24 hours.

The functionality of this field is date-dependent. This means that for each date covered by a time sheet, Maconomy looks up the value in this field in the employee revision covering the date in question, and applies this value to the date in question in the time sheet.

Document Archive Island

Field Description
Document Archive In this field, you can assign a document archive to the employee in question. The document archive assigned to an employee can, for example, contain files such as the CV and the employment contract of the employee or other documents relevant to the employee in question. You can only specify a document archive to which you have been granted access. Document archives are created in the workspace Document Archives in the Set-Up module. See the description of that workspace for further information on the use of document archives.

This field also shows the description of the specified document archive.

Contact Person Island

Field Description
Contact Person No. If the current employee is assigned to a contact person, this field shows the number of the contact person in question. When creating an employee, you can assign the employee to an existing contact person by specifying the number of the contact person in question in this field. However, if the system parameter “Aut. creation of contact person” is marked, you cannot specify a contact person when creating an employee, as Maconomy will then automatically create a contact person and assign it to the new employee.

Assigning an employee to a contact person is necessary if you wish to use the Contact Management module’s event flow functionality to register, for example, historical employee information or keep track of information such as the projects in which the employee has been involved or courses he or she has taken.

Subcontractor Island

Field Description
Subcontractor In this field you can select a subcontractor vendor number (if any) for the employee. Job entries posted for the employee will have the reconciliation subcontractor number assigned accordingly. This serves as a base to match them against Vendor Invoices when approving Invoice Allocation/Reallocation in “Invoice Allocation” or “Reallocate Invoices” dialogs. This field also shows the name of the specified subcontractor.

Salary Island

Field Description
Base Salary Here you can enter the employee’s base salary. The amount must be entered in the base currency of the company specified in the field “Company No.” You can also add a code next to the salary amount. The code can denote a salary group, and so on. The fields are for reference only.
Salary Supplement Here you can enter the employee’s salary supplement, if applicable. The amount must be entered in the base currency of the company specified in the field “Company No.” You can also add a salary code in the text field. The fields are for reference only.
Overtime Rate Here you can enter the employee’s hourly rate for overtime work. The amount must be entered in the base currency of the company specified in the field “Company No.” You can also add a salary code in the text field. The fields are for reference only.

Pension Island

Field Description
Pension Plan These two fields are used for marking whether the employee has a private pension plan or has joined the company pension plan or both. The fields are for reference only.
Pension Type These two fields are used for describing the employee’s pension plans. The fields are for reference only.
Amount Here you can enter the amounts to be paid towards the employee’s pension. The amounts must be entered in the base currency of the company specified in the field “Company No.,” and the fields are for reference only.

Absence Management Island

Field Description
Vacation Calendar Enter or select the vacation calendar of the employee.

Notify Employee When Island

Field Description
Specified as Responsible for Invoice Allocation In this field, you can specify whether the employee prefers to be notified when specified as responsible for allocating an invoice. The field is for information only, as Maconomy does not automatically notify the employee.
Specified as Responsible for Approval In this field, you can specify whether the employee prefers to be notified when specified as responsible for approving, for example, a purchase order or an expense sheet. The field is for information only, as Maconomy does not automatically notify the employee.

Remarks Island

You can use these text fields for any notes or comments on the employee.

Print Control Island

Field Description
Statistics 1-4 In these fields, you can enter a number of statistics codes for further specification of the employee. The statistics codes can, for example, be used as selection criteria in a number of printouts.

Option List Fields Island

Field Description
List In these fields, you can select a number of option lists containing values that you wish to use for further specification of the employee. In the fields “Value” in this island, you can then select values from these lists. If you do not enter an option list in one of the option list fields, you can enter any value in the corresponding value field.
Value In these fields, you can specify values available in the respective option lists specified in this island. If you have not entered an option list in one of the option list fields, you can enter any value in the corresponding value field.

Extra Fields Island

Field Description
Popup 1-5 In these fields, you can select various information about the employee. These are pop-up fields, which means that you can choose from the options created for each field. They are created as values Employee Popup 1 – Employee Popup 5 in the Popup Fields workspace.

Talent Management Island

Field Description
User Id. In this field you can enter an ID of a Talent Management user to map to this employee. Once the Talent Management user is linked with the employee, the data is copied from the user to the employee. You cannot update mapped fields manually when this field has a value. If this field is left blank, then the employee is not linked with any Talent Management user and all mandatory fields have to be entered manually. If you change a value of this field, then the employee is re-linked with the corresponding Talent Management user. All mapped fields are overwritten with linked Deltek Talent Management user data. If this field has value that is deleted later, then the employee is unlinked from the Talent Management user, and all fields can only be updated manually. Notice that the supervisor is not overridden if no supervisor is specified in Talent Management OR if the specified Talent Management user is not linked to a Maconomy employee. If Talent Management is used where the supervisor relationship is not managed in Talent Management, the layout of the Employees workspace must be modified to allow this information to be entered in Maconomy.

Contact Person island

Field Description
Title Use this field to enter a personal title (for example, Mr., Ms., Dr.) for the person. Maconomy suggests values for the option list 'Personal Titles' but it is possible to enter any value.
Maiden Name Use this field to enter the contact person's maiden name.
Name in Local Alphabet Use this field to enter the contact person's name in his local alphabet.
Personal E-mail Use this field to enter the contact person's personal e-mail address.
Previous Employee No. Use this field to add an employee number from a previous position. Maconomy issues a warning if you enter the number of an existing employee.

Employees island

Field Description
Maiden Name Use this field to enter the contact person's maiden name.
Name in Local Alphabet Use this field to enter the contact person's name in their local alphabet.
Willing to Relocate Use this field to note if the employee is willing to relocate.
Alternative Job Title Use this field to register a job title with a different classification level than Position field. The field corresponds to a similar field in Talent Management.
EEO Classification Use this field for equal employment opportunity tracking. The field corresponds to a similar field in Talent Management.
Date Employed

The functionality of this existing field is changed so that time sheet registrations are no longer validated against this field. Instead, they are validated against the Time Sheet Start Date field.

Likewise, calculation of missing time sheet notifications is based on Time Sheet Start Date field.

Termination Date The functionality of this existing field is changed so that time sheet registrations are no longer validated against this field. Instead, they are validated against the new Time Sheet Start Date field.
Time Sheet Start Date Use this field to enter the date the employee starts using timesheets. Maconomy will automatically keep the field synchronized with the Date Employedfield unless you manually enter a different value.
Time Sheet End Date Use this field to enter the date the employee stops using timesheets. Maconomy will automatically keep the field synchronized with the Termination Datefield unless you manually enter a different value.
Previous Employee No. Use this field to enter an employee number for a previous employment. Maconomy issues a warning if you enter the number of an existing employee.
Title You can use this field to enter a personal title (for example, Mr., Ms., Dr.) for the employee. Maconomy suggests values from the Personal Titles option list but it is possible to enter any value.
Personal E-mail Use this field to enter the employee's personal email address.
Personnel Requisition When Talent Management integration is enabled, this field displays the requisition no. from Talent Management. When Talent Management integration is disabled, the functionality is unchanged. The Maconomy personnel requisition is displayed.
Maiden Name Use this field to enter the contact person's maiden name.
Name in Local Alphabet Use this field to enter the contact person's name in their local alphabet.
Willing to Relocate Use this field to note if the employee is willing to relocate.
Alternative Job Title Use this field to enter a job title with a different classification level than Position field. The field corresponds to a similar field in Talent Management.
EEO Classification Use this field for equal employment opportunity tracking. The field corresponds to a similar field in Talent Management.
Time Sheet Start Date Use this field to enter the date the employee starts using timesheets. Maconomy automatically keeps the field synchronized with the Date Employedfield unless you manually enter a different value.
Time Sheet End Date Use this field to enter the date the employee stops using timesheets. Maconomy automatically keeps the field synchronized with the Termination Date field unless you manually enter a different value.
Title Use this field to enter a personal title (for example, Mr., Ms., Dr.) for the employee. Maconomy suggests values from the Personal Titles option list but it is possible to enter any value.
Personal E-mail Use this field to enter the employee's personal email address.