Dimension Groupings Single Dialogs Workspace

Use this workspace to set up dimension groupings by arranging your dimension values on up to 12 grouping levels.

This enables you to add additional structure to a dimension type such as the account, company, or location dimension. Dimension groupings are designed for use with business intelligence tools such as Maconomy AnalytiX and are not used in any Analyzer reports or universe reports.

To group a dimension on different levels for advanced reporting, create a dimension grouping header. For instance, you can group all of your company accounts on different grouping levels. If you use the Get Suggested Grouping action in the Action menu, Maconomy suggests grouping levels that are based on the relevant dimension structure that you entered in the Structure submenu of the G/L menu.

If you want to change the grouping levels that Maconomy suggests, manually change any value in the grouping level structure that the Dimension Grouping Lines sub-tab displays. You can also use the Export action in the Action menu to export the current grouping level structure to a tab-separated text file. If you open that file in a spreadsheet application such as Excel, you can easily edit the grouping level structure. After you edit the text file, save and close it. Finally, import the modified dimension grouping structure using the Import action in the Action menu in the Dimension Groupings workspace.

In the Dimension Groupings tab, you can select or create a dimension grouping header and specify a dimension type. You can also enter a reporting hierarchy number if you want to retrieve a dimension grouping structure from a specific reporting hierarchy.

The Dimension Grouping Lines sub-tab displays an overview of the dimension grouping structure. You can modify the value on any level of the dimension grouping structure and add dimension grouping lines as needed. Additionally, the dimension column in the sub-tab allows you to select each dimension value to view and modify the details for the value in question.