Dimension Groupings Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Dimension Groupings tab.

Dimension Grouping Island

Field Description
Grouping No. When you create a dimension grouping header, assign a number or a name to it for easy identification. Once the dimension grouping header has been created, you can no longer change the value in this field.

You can browse existing dimension grouping numbers by clicking on the toolbar arrow keys above the tab.

Description In this field, you can enter a descriptive text for the selected dimension grouping number.
Type In this field, select the dimension on which you want your dimension grouping structure to be based. Please note that to be able to retrieve grouping levels from a reporting hierarchy, a reporting hierarchy must have been created to include the dimension values associated with the selected dimension type.
Option List In this field, you can specify an option list. The options from the option list can be entered in the Value field.
Selected Value In this field, you can specify a value from the selected option list. The value is used to determine the dimension grouping to be used by the business intelligence tool.
Standard In this field, you can specify whether the grouping structure specified in the “Grouping No.” field above should be the standard structure in cases where multiple grouping structures have been created using the same dimension type and option. If a business intelligence tool attempts to extract a dimension grouping structure from Maconomy based on a specific dimension type, the tool may select the standard grouping structure if multiple grouping headers have been created based on the same dimension type and option.

Note that the standard structure will only be selected if your business intelligence tool supports this functionality.

Access Level Island

Field Description
Access Level This field allows you to specify an access level that will be in effect for the selected dimension grouping header. Access levels can be created and maintained in the “Access Levels” workspace.

This field shows a description of the specified access level.

User Island

See the chapter “Getting Started” for a description of the fields in the island User.