Dimension Grouping Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Dimension Grouping Lines sub-tab.

Field Description
Account No. This field shows the number of the account or dimension that the reporting node refers to. The title of this field depends on the type of the reporting hierarchies.
Sorting Key In these fields, you can specify a range of sorting key numbers. Only nodes with sorting key numbers within the specified range are shown in the table part.
Grouping 1-12 These columns show the 12 grouping levels by which you can structure your dimension values. The grouping levels make up a hierarchical structure that can be displayed in reports if you use Maconomy AnalytiX or another Business Intelligence tool that supports dimension groupings.

Please note that the higher the grouping level number, the higher its position in the dimension grouping hierarchy. In a dimension grouping structure based on location, for instance, Grouping 1 could be All Locations, Grouping 2 could be Continent, Grouping 3 could be Country, and Grouping 4 could be Local Office. In reports, this would enable you to view your financial results sorted by any or all of these grouping levels.

You can modify the grouping level structure by entering a new value in any grouping level field manually or by building a new grouping level structure from scratch using the Insert Dimension Grouping Line or Add Dimension Grouping Line feature in the top left corner of the sub-tab.