Notes Single Dialogs Workspace

Use this workspace to create and edit notes or brief messages.

Notes can either stand alone or they can be attached to events, jobs, or other entities. Some notes are created automatically when you perform an action; others are created and assigned to entities manually.

You can view and edit any note in this workspace. Notes also appear in relevant workspaces, and you can edit them there. For example, notes that are attached to an event appear in the Events workspace, and you can edit them there.

Notes can either be completely independent, simply functioning as note pads, or you can assign them to certain data in Maconomy such as events or jobs, thus acting as a means of storing detailed descriptions about the data in question. In some workspaces, the text of notes that are assigned to data appears in the sub-tab of the workspace in which you enter that type of data. For instance, if you assign a note to an event in the Events workspace, the sub-tab of that workspace displays the text of that note. In other cases, you must view or edit the notes in this workspace.

Notes that you assign to various data types are in some cases created using an action in the workspace in question, causing Maconomy to automatically assign the new note to the current data. However, you can also create notes manually in this workspace and assign them to data later on. You can view and edit any note in this workspace, regardless of whether it is assigned to data. If you use this workspace to edit a note that you assigned to an event, for example, the change also appears in the Events workspace, and vice versa.

You can assign each note to a note type which that determines the contents of the Note Lines sub-tab of the note. For instance, the note type can cause a number of lines with headings to be created automatically, and the setup of these headings in the note type determines whether or not you can delete the individual lines. For more information about the note type's effects on the sub-tab, see the description of the fields in the Note Type Specifications sub-tab of the Note Types workspace.

When you create a note, you can create the note as a copy of an existing note by specifying the number of the note to be copied in the Copy Note island. For more information, see the Copy From Note No. field.