Notes Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Notes tab.

Note Island

Field Description
Note No. In this field, you can enter a number or a name to apply to the note. If you do not specify a value in this field, Maconomy will attempt to assign the new note a number from the number series specified for the company to which the note is assigned.
Description In this field, you can enter a description of the current note. If you do not enter a description but you enter a note type in the field “Note Type,” the description from the field “Note Description” on the specified note type is suggested.
Note Type In this field, you can specify a note type. The note type determines a number of things about the data in the sub-tab of the note. For instance, the note type indicates the options to be available as headers in the field “Heading” in the sub-tab, and the types of values (numbers, text, dates, and so on) allowed in the field “Value” under the individual headings. The note type can also cause lines to be created automatically in the sub-tab. For further information, see the fields in the sub-tab of the workspace Note Types.

Once a note has been created, you cannot change the note type by manually entering a new value in this field. Instead, you can change the note type using the fields in the island Change Note Type and the action “Change Note Type.

Closed This field shows whether the current note has been closed. When a note is closed, it is not possible to change the information in the card and sub-tabs of the notes, but the note can be reopened using the action “Reopen Note.”

In this workspace, notes can be closed manually using the action “Close Note,” but notes can also be closed automatically in other workspaces. For instance, closing an event to which a note is assigned will also cause the note in question to be closed.

Access Level Island

Field Description
Access Level In this field, you can specify the name of an access level. You only have access to the current note if you have been assigned to the same or a higher level in the workspace User Access Levels. This means that you can only specify notes (for example, on a job or an event) to which you have access. Furthermore, a given user can only see the notes to which he or she has access. Please note that this access control model only applies if the standard access control configuration has not been changed in your Maconomy system. If it has, the access to notes may depend on other factors. For more information about this, please see the section “Introduction to the Access Control System.”

If no access level is specified, this field has no influence on the access to the current note.

This field also shows a description of the specified access level.

Note Access Level Island

Field Description
Prefix Similar to "Access Level Prefix" in Document Archive Setup. In this field you can specify a prefix for access levels to be given to new notes of the given note type.
Access Level Employee Specific Similar to "Access Level Employee Specific" in Document Archive Setup.
Grant Access to Supervisor Similar to "Grant Access Level to Supervisor" in Document Archive Setup.

Text Wrapping Island

Field Description
Do Not Wrap Text In this field, you can specify if Maconomy should wrap text automatically when you enter information in the sub-tab. If you do not mark the field, Maconomy automatically wraps the text entered in the sub-tab. If you mark the field, notes are not wrapped unless you use the action “Wrap Lines.”

Copy Note Island

Field Description
Copy from Note No. When creating a note, you can specify a note number in this field to copy information from an existing note to the new note. Both card and sub-tab information is copied to the new note, overwriting any values specified before pressing Return. However, if you have manually specified a note number, this number will be applied to the new note.

Database Relation Island

Field Description
Database Relation In this field, you can specify the name of a relation in the Maconomy database if the current note relates to an entry in a given relation. In the remaining fields in this island, you can then specify the entry in question.

Please note that the note can be assigned to any type of information, regardless of any relation name entered here. This means that although you specify a relation here, the note can still be assigned to sales orders in the workspace Sales Orders, events in the workspace Events, and so on.

Object Instance Key If instance key registration has been activated for the relation specified in the field “Database Relation” above, you can specify in this field the instance key value of the database entry to be assigned to the current note. If you enter key values in the fields “<Key 1-4>,” this field is automatically completed with the instance key value of the database entry in question. Similarly, if you specify an instance key value, Maconomy automatically completes the key fields.
<Key 1-4> In these fields, you can enter the values in the primary, secondary, and so on, key fields that identify the entry in the relation above which the current note concerns. A key value is a value identifying, for example, a certain order, vendor invoice, and so on.

In certain relations, a key consists of up to four key fields. In these relations, the combination of the key values constitute the key to the individual entries in that relation. An example of this is order lines, where the first key value points to the sales order to which the line in question belongs, and the second key value is the line’s line number in the sub-tab of the sales order. So if the key to entries in a given relation consists of several key fields, it is possible for several entries to have the same value in the same key fields, but there can be no more than one entry with the same combination of values in the key fields in question.

When you enter a database relation in the field “Database Relation” above, Maconomy shows the names of the individual key fields in this island instead of blank field names, allowing you to see which fields should be completed.

If you specify an instance key in the field “Object, Instance Key” above, the key fields are automatically completed with the key values from the database entry to which the instance key value belongs. Similarly, if you enter key values in these fields and instance key registration has been activated for the database relation in question, Maconomy automatically completes the field “Object Instance Key.”

Please note that the note can be assigned to any type of information, regardless of any information entered here. This means that although you specify key values here, the note can still be assigned to sales orders in the workspace Sales Orders, events in the workspace Events, and so on.

Company Island

Field Description
Company In this field, you can enter the number of the company to which the note should be assigned.

This field also shows the name of the specified company.

Document Archive Island

Field Description
Document Archive In this field, you can assign a document archive to the note in question. Document archives are created in the workspace Document Archives in the Set-Up module. See the description of that workspace for further information on the use of document archives.

This field also shows a description of the specified document archive.

Document Count This field shows the total number of documents in the Document Archive.

Option List Fields Island

Field Description
List In these fields, you can specify the option lists containing the values you wish to use for further specification of the note. In the fields “Value” in this island, you can then select values from these lists.
Value In these fields, you can specify values available in the respective option lists specified in this island. The fields can, for example, be used for further specification of the note. If a given option list field in this island has been left blank, any text can be entered in the corresponding value field.

User Island

See the Getting Started topic for a description of the fields in the island User.

Remarks Island

In this island, you can enter a number of remarks about the current note.