
This section shows the Actions available in the Notes workspace.

Top Tab

Field Description
Close Note When you select this action, the current note is closed, causing the field “Closed” to be marked and causing all of the fields in the card and sub-tabs to be closed for the current note. However, the note can be reopened using the action “Reopen Note.”
Reopen Note This action is only available when the current note has been closed. When you select the action, the current note is reopened for editing.
Wrap lines When you select this action, Maconomy wraps the text entered in the sub-tab as described in the field “Value.” When you enter information in the workspace, Maconomy automatically wraps the text entered, but lines created using the import program Import Notes are not wrapped unless you use this action. It is therefore possible to wrap these types of text lines by means of this action.
Attach Document This action allows you to attach a document to the note.
Change Note Type When you select this action, Maconomy changes the note type of the current note in accordance with the information entered in the island Change Note Type. When the note type is changed, all information in the sub-tab is deleted and replaced by any template lines specified for the new note type in the sub-tab of the workspace Note Types.

For further information about how the new note type is found, see the description of the fields in the island Change Note Type.

Bottom Tab

Field Description
Import Text When you select this action, you can import a text file to the sub-tab of the workspace. Maconomy will show a dialog prompting you for the location of the file.

The text in the file will be wrapped automatically, meaning that text exceeding the width of the text field in the sub-tab will be wrapped and placed on separate lines. A line break in the file will result in a blank line in the table.

Export Text When you select this action, Maconomy exports the text in the sub-tab to a text file in which the wrapped text is reformatted so that consecutive table lines are concatenated into one text string, and blank table lines are converted to line breaks. Maconomy will show a dialog prompting you for a target location for the file.