Contents of the Manage Performance Review Form Defaults Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Performance Review Form Defaults screen.


Field Description
Default Assignment Code

Enter, or click to select, the default assignment code. Depending on your selection in the Review Form Assignment group box on the Configure Compensation Settings screen, the following values are valid for entry into this table:

  • If you selected the Hourly/Salary option on the Configure Compensation Settings screen, then the values are H (Hourly), S (Salary), or F (Salaried Fluctuating Hours).
  • If you selected the Functional Job Title option on the Configure Compensation Settings screen, then the values are the functional job title codes you established.
  • If you selected the Labor Group option on the Configure Compensation Settings screen, then the values are the labor group codes you set up.
  • If you selected the One option on the Configure Compensation Settings screen, then the value are the review form ID that you established.
Review Form

Enter, or click to select, the review form ID applicable to the default assignment code.