Contents of the Manage Performance Ratings By Plan Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Performance Ratings by Plan screen.

Compensation Plan

Enter, or click to select, the name of the Compensation plan in this field.

Field Description
Auto Load

The Auto Load button automatically loads this table with a selected compensation plan.

To load the table, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Auto Load. A lookup table appears on the screen.
  2. Select the Comp. Plan code to load, and then click Select. A new dialog box appears, and the selected plan code displays in the Enter Compensation Plan field.
  3. Click OK to load this plan

If the plan is a Step plan (that is, plans which have a plan type of Step on the Manage Compensation Plans screen), then you will receive an error message. You must select a new plan code that is a Grade or Quartile type of plan. The data that is associated with the selected compensation plan code loads automatically, and you can then edit it in the main screen table window.

The Auto Load process generates a line for each plan, for each quadrant within a plan, and for each rating within a quadrant. If you selected a rating increment in the Rating Increment group box, those increments are included in this table.

Rating Increment

Use this group box to create increments between performance ratings for this screen. For example, your ratings may be "4.0" and "3.0," but an employee may receive a rating of "3.5." If your choice was One-Half, the table fills with "4.0," "3.5," and "3.0" ratings for each quadrant. This field is used only for the Auto Load feature.

Field Description

Select this option to increment your ratings by fourths.


Select this option to increment your ratings by thirds.


Select this option to increment your ratings by halves.

Whole Number

Select this option to have a one-to-one relationship between your ratings and this table. This option is the default.

Rating Order

Use this group box to determine the order in which your rating codes will be compiled in this table. The default is ascending order.

Field Description

Select this option to compile ratings codes in ascending order.


Select this option to compile rating codes in descending order.

Table Window

Click on the toolbar to add a new performance rating by plan entry.

Field Description
Compensation Plan

Enter, or click to select, the compensation plan code to which this table applies.

Quadrant/Min-Mid-Max Section

The applicable ranges for each quartile/grade default accordingly in this column. This information is obtained from the Column Titles group box on the Manage Compensation Plans screen.

Performance Rating Increment

Enter, or click to select, the performance rating. Company-wide performance ratings are set up on the Manage Performance Ratings table.

Note: You can click Auto Load to automatically generate the Compensation Plan, Quadrant/Min-Mid-Max Section, and Performance Rating Increment tables.
Merit Percent Increase

Enter the merit percentage to which this Quartile/Grade number and rating applies. The employee's salary on the Manage Employee Salary Information screen is changed by this percentage amount whenever you add a new line to the table and a performance rating is included on the line.