Manage Performance Ratings by Plan and Grade

Use the Manage Performance Ratings by Plan and Grade screen to select the method used for looking up the increase percent used to derive the new salary amount when updating the employee Manage Employee Salary Information screen.

Costpoint uses this data to derive the new salary amounts whenever you add a new line to an employee's Manage Employee Salary Information screen. You can add the new line either manually or by using the Update Employee Salary Based on Review screen, if a performance rating is also included on the line.

This only applies to "Grade" and "Quartile" types of compensation plans (plans which have a Plan Type of Min-Mid-Max or Quartile in the Compensation Plans screen). "Step" plans (plans which have a Plan Type of Step in the Compensation Plans screen) automatically have a one-to-one relationship with the salary increase.

You can always override the employee's salary amount on the Manage Employee Salary Information screen. If your plan contains exceptions based on grade for percentage increases, use this screen to identify those exceptions. Costpoint always uses this screen before using the Performance Rating Percent by Plan screen.

Note: You can click Auto Load to automatically create this table.

You must establish compensation plans and performance ratings before initializing this screen. You should establish this screen as part of your system initialization.