Print Promotion Report

From the Print Promotion Report screen, you can print a listing of the employees assigned to a specific affirmative action plan and who have been promoted (a positive change in Grade in the Salary Info and History table).

The report will include the employee ID, employee name, promotion effective date, organization, prior functional job title, prior functional job title description, new functional job title, new functional job title description, Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) code, race, and gender.

You can print this report after you have entered employees on the Manage Employee Information screen and after you have assigned them to a detail job title and affirmative action plan code on the HR Info of the Manage Employee Salary Information screen.

After you populate this screen and click the Print Preview or Print button on the toolbar, the application selects those employees who are assigned to a specific affirmative action plan and have been promoted (that is, a positive Percent Grade Change on the Manage Employee Salary Information screen), and whose Effective Date (on the Manage Employee Salary Information screen) falls within the Date range.

Employees are grouped on the report by Company, followed by the Sort By selection.

This report contains the following report columns:

Column Heading Screen Table Name
Employee ID Manage Employee Salary Information EMPL_LAB_INFO
Employee Name Manage Employee Information EMPL
Effective Promotion Date Manage Employee Salary Information EMPL_LAB_INFO
Organization Manage Employee Salary Information EMPL_LAB_INFO
New Functional Job Title Manage Employee Salary Information EMPL_LAB_INFO
Manage Detail Job Titles DETL_JOB_TITLES
Prior Functional Job Title Manage Employee Salary Information EMPL_LAB_INFO
Manage Detail Job Titles DETL_JOB_TITLES
EEO Manage Employee Salary Information EMPL_LAB_INFO
Race Manage Employee Information EMPL
Gender Manage Employee Information EMPL