Print Personnel Action Analysis Report

Use the Print Personnel Action Analysis Report screen to print a report that lists the minority and female percentages for the selected Affirmative Action Plan and Personnel Actions or Personnel Action Type.

Personnel Actions are assigned to employee records on the Manage Employee Salary Information screen in Costpoint Employee.

Use this application after you have established affirmative action plan codes on the Manage Affirmative Action Plans screen, and assigned them to active employee records in the HR Info tab of the Manage Employee Salary Information screen.

After you populate this screen and click the Print Preview or Print buttons on the toolbar, the application selects those employees that meet the following criteria:

  • The employee is assigned to the specified Affirmative Action Plan on the HR Info of the Manage Employee Salary Information screen.
  • The employee record's Effective Date (on the Manage Employee Salary Information screen) falls within the Start Date and End Date in the Date Range group box, and
  • The employee record contains one or more Personnel Action codes (on the Manage Employee Salary Information screen) that are within the selected Personnel Actions range (if the Personnel Action(s) option is selected), or that are linked to the selected Personnel Action Type (that is, Positive Personnel Actions or Negative Personnel Actions).

    An employee can have more than one Salary Info and History record that contains one of the specified Personnel Actions within the given Analysis Date range. Each record will display on the report. Employees are grouped on the report by company, followed by the primary sort setting and the secondary sort setting, if applicable.