Expense Controls
From the Expense Controls menu, access applications that enable you to configure the Expense module.
- Related Topics:
- Expense Settings
Use the Expense Settings screen to view system-wide configuration options for Deltek Expense. You can use it to establish a foundation for the business rules within the system. The Expense Settings screen is a maintenance screen composed of various tables and subtasks that you can update. - Currencies
Use the Currencies screen to set up currency codes for your system. You use currencies to identify the country in which an expense is incurred. - M&IE Breakdown
Use the M&IE Breakdown screen to enter the individual meal and incidental expense amounts for CONUS, OCONUS, or user source. You can add records based on the total meal and incidental amounts. - Providers
Use the Providers screen to set up vendors that provide services, delete providers or Visa supplier names, or capture vendor ID information. You can set up vendors for any category. - Expense Charge Types
Use the Expense Charge Types screen to create charge types and set up rules for assigning or entering charge information to expense amounts. - Pay Methods
Use the Pay Methods screen when you initialize Deltek Expense. You should set up pay methods before you set up expense types, adding new employees to the database, or entering expense reports. - Currency Schedules
Use the Currency Schedules screen to add, edit, and delete currency schedules and upload exchange rates. You can enter transactions and be paid in a different currency other than the system's base currency. - Per Diem Schedules
Use the Per Diem Schedules screen to create and maintain schedules of per diem rates for M&IE and lodging. - Tax Schedules
Use the Tax Schedules screen to set up tax schedules that you will link to expense types. A tax schedule identifies the tax rates to apply to those expenses. - Expense Types
Use the Expense Types screen to add, edit, or delete expense types. Use it when you initialize Deltek Expense. Before setting up expense types, set up charge types, payment methods, and providers. - Expense Report Types
Use the Expense Report Types screen to set up different types of expense reports based on company policies. You can have several expense report types, or just one, depending on your company's complexity. - Expense Classes
Use the Expense Classes screen to set up rights and access for different types of employees. You can have many expense classes or just one, depending on the complexity of your company.
Parent Topic: Expense