Import Credit Card Charges

You can import credit card charges from your credit card company into a statement in Vantagepoint. You import charge records for primary credit cards that you set up in Vantagepoint.

The primary credit card contains charges made with secondary credit cards that have been issued to employees. You import credit card charges from a text (.txt) file or a comma-separated values (.csv) file.
Prerequisites: Before you can import charges, you must:
  • Set up a primary credit card and its secondary credit cards in Settings > Cash Management > Credit Cards. As part of this setup, you configure the import file on the Import tab of the Credit Card Settings form. You specify the data (fields) to include in the text file and the formatting for the file so that Vantagepoint can properly receive the credit card data.
  • Download the file that contains credit card statement data from your credit card company's website. You must convert it to a text file format that matches the import file configuration that you set up in Vantagepoint.
  • In Credit Card Reconciliation, create a credit card statement into which you import the credit card charges.

To import charges from a credit card statement:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Cash Management > Credit Card Reconciliation.
  2. On the Credit Card Reconciliation form, select an existing In Progress credit card statement for which you want to import credit card charges.
  3. On the actions bar, click Import Charges.
  4. If you previously imported transactions for a statement and a confirmation message displays, click Yes to proceed.
  5. On the Import Charges dialog box, click Browse.
  6. On the Open dialog box, select the text file to import and click Open.
  7. Click OK.
    The import process begins immediately.
  8. Select the appropriate actions based on whether or not errors are found during the import process:
    Number of Errors in the Import File What Happens Your Actions
    No errors Vantagepoint displays and identifies the number of valid records in the text file to import. Click Import on this dialog box.
    All A message displays to tell you the number of errors. Complete the following actions:
    1. Click OK to end the import process.

      The error records are temporarily inserted in a table, to provide details for the Import Error report.

    2. On the Credit Card Reconciliation form, click Other Actions > Errors Report to review a report that identifies the problems.

      The Import Error Report identifies any problems with the format of the imported file (as compared with the required format defined in Credit Card Settings). The report also identifies any duplicate charges, based on the transaction ID.

    3. Fix the errors in the import file before you try to import again.
    Some but not all Vantagepoint identifies the number of valid records and invalid records that have errors. Complete the following actions:
    1. Perform one of the following actions on the Import Charges dialog box:
      • Click Import to import all the valid records. On the next dialog box, which identifies the number of valid records imported and the errors, click OK. The import process finishes, and the imported charge records now display on the Charges tab of the Credit Card Reconciliation form.
      • Click Cancel to stop the import process and not import any charge records from the file.
    2. After you select either Import or Cancel on the Import Charges dialog box, click Other Actions > Errors Report. Review the Import Error report to determine how to fix the errors in the import file.
    3. Fix the errors in the import file before you try to import it again.
  9. On the dialog box that informs you that the records were imported, click OK.
    The imported credit card charges display on the Charges tab of the Credit Card Reconciliation form. These charges also display in the Credit Card pane on expense reports in Time & Expense for the employees who are assigned to the secondary credit cards.