Respond to a Contract Item

Some contract types require a response from nominated recipients. Any items that require your response are displayed in your CM Notifications Dashpart in the Personal Zone. You may also receive an email notification with a link to the item.

If enabled, you can choose to delegate a contract item to another person on the project, if that person is better suited to provide a response. For information, see Delegate a Contract Item.

To respond to a contract item:

  1. Navigate to the Personal Zone
  2. On the CM Notifications Dashpart, click to expand the CM Item For Review section.
    If the CM Notifications Dashpart is not displayed, click to add it.
  3. Click for the item that you want to action.
  4. On the contract item page that displays, click View and Reply.
  5. On the Enter Reply To: <Item Ref> form, enter your response to the item in the Reply field.
  6. Optional: Under Attach Response Documents, click Upload Files to upload a supporting file.
  7. Click Submit Reply.
    If the contract type is configured to notify users, all recipients linked to the item receive an email to notify them about the response.