Rename an Unmanaged Source

You can rename an unmanaged source as it appears on the Unmanaged Sources page.

To rename an unmanaged source:

  1. On the header bar, click Admin.
  2. In the Search Admin Zones field at the top, enter Unmanaged Sources.
  3. Click the Unmanaged Sources link that displays.
  4. On the Unmanaged Sources screen, click Edit for the source that you want to manage.
    If you have recently added an unmanaged source, and it is not displayed, click to update the list.
    Note: If the traffic light icon to the left of the source that you want to manage is not green, it means there is an issue with the network source. You can click or hover over the icon to view more details.
  5. On the Configure Unmanaged Source window, click next to the title.
  6. On the Edit Name dialog box, enter a new name for the source, and then click Update.