Configure Universal Document Control

Universal Document Control provides PIM users with access to project files stored on shared network drives outside of the PIM Document Management System.

Universal Document Control (UDC) enables PIM users to:
  • Search for documents stored on shared network drives via the Documents tab on mapped projects.
  • Open and edit network documents from the source location from within PIM.
  • Easily publish external documents to the PIM Document Management System.

Using the Universal Document Control Service Manager application, you add the network folders that you want to make available to PIM. You then map those network folders to specific projects via the PIM Administration Zone.

After you have mapped your projects to network folders, the UDC server component indexes all unmanaged documents in the mapped folders, and provides the data to the PIM server to include in the PIM document index. Unmanaged documents are indexed in the same way as when you publish documents to PIM - this includes the title, metadata, and the content of files.

Once the PIM document index has been updated, users can access the documents via the Documents tab in the mapped projects. Note that unmanaged documents cannot be searched for in the Information Zone.

After the initial indexing, the UFM server component continues to monitor the specified network folders for any updates. When files are added, modified, or deleted in any mapped folders, the component automatically updates the PIM document index. In the case of file deletions on a mapped network drive, the files are removed from the PIM search index, and the files will not appear when users search for documents in PIM.
Note: File types that are not supported by PIM will not be indexed.