Edit Project Milestones

You edit project milestones to update the statuses, priorities, duration, and planned completion dates.

To edit project milestones:

  1. Navigate to the project.
    You can search for projects using the Search Projects link in the Activity Zone. Projects that you are linked to also appear on the History tab on your contact record, and in the Projects dashpart in the Personal Zone.
  2. Click the Milestones tab.
    If the Milestones tab is not visible on the header band, click more to display additional menu items.
  3. Click .
  4. To enter or modify the planned completion date for a milestone event, click .
    Tip: To save time, you can automatically populate the planned completion dates for all project milestones. To do this, you first enter the number of days to complete each milestone in the Duration (Days) column, and then you enter the planned completion date for the first milestone in the list. Once this is done, click to automatically populate the remaining planned completion dates.
  5. Optional: Enter or modify any other information for each milestone, as required, such as the priority.
  6. Optional: If a particular milestone event is not applicable to the project, select the check box in the N/A column.
  7. Click Save.